WEEK07: File I/O, top-down design
W: start top-down design
- Lab 7 due after break...want top-down design turned in first!
- review quizgrades.py
Top Down Design is a problem solving technique where you:
1. Start with General Description of Problem
2. Break it into several high-level steps
3. Iteratively break the steps into smaller steps until you have
steps that are easy to solve
- just like writing a paper...start with an outline, then fill
in the second-level details, and so on until you can start
writing each section/function
- for example, writing a wheel-of-fortune game might start
with something like this:
main: read phrases from file
pick one phrase for the game
play the game, with the chosen phrase
output the results
Each one of those could be a single function, or may need to
be broken down into multiple functions. If you think one of
the above should be a single function, sketch it out (what
arguments would it need, what would it do and how, and what
should it return). If you think one of the above (ex: play the
game) will be more than one function, do another level of
top-down design on that.
- GOALS: get main() written, decide on data structures, how data
will go to/from each function, write function stubs so we can
write and test each function, one at-a-time!
- here's my design for a grade-reading program: /home/jk/inclass/readgradesfromfile.py
read grades from file, calc average, min, max, etc...
J. Knerr
Spring 2011
# ---------------------------------------------- #
def main():
get grades, calculate stats, output results
grades = readGrades("grades.txt")
ave = findAve(grades)
mingrade = findMin(grades)
maxgrade = findMax(grades)
print "\ngrades: ", grades
print "ave grade = %0.1f" % (ave)
print "min grade = %0.1f" % (mingrade)
print "max grade = %0.1f" % (maxgrade)
# ---------------------------------------------- #
def findMax(glist):
given list of grades, find and return highest grade
maxgrade = -1
return maxgrade
# ---------------------------------------------- #
def findMin(glist):
given list of grades, find and return lowest grade
return -1
# ---------------------------------------------- #
def findAve(glist):
given list of grades, calc and return ave grade
return -1
# ---------------------------------------------- #
def readGrades(fname):
given a file name, open the file, then read each line
from the file and get the grade. convert grade to a float
and add to the list of grades.
grade file has this format:
name1: grade1
name2: grade2
name3: grade3
use split(":") to get the name and grade from each line of the file
return [3,4,5]
# ---------------------------------------------- #
NOTE: it doesn't do anything yet, but the structure and design are
all specified. The program runs, and I can start working on adding
each function. I can also TEST each function as I write them. Once
I know they are working, I can move on to the next function.
- suppose I add the findMax function:
def findMax(glist):
given list of grades, find and return highest grade
maxgrade = glist[0]
for g in glist:
if g > maxgrade:
maxgrade = g
return maxgrade
- Now I can test just this function by adding test code in main():
print findMax([9,0,7,4])
print findMax([9,0,700,4])
print findMax([2,2,2,2,2,2])
- given a file called "grades.txt" which contains these lines:
lisa :95
jeff :35
charlie :88
jonathan :97
rich :77
andy :70
doug :55
betsy :100
amanda :99
how do I read the grades???
- here's my readGrades function:
def readGrades(fname):
given a file name, open the file, then read each line
from the file and get the grade. convert grade to a float
and add to the list of grades.
grade file has this format:
name1: grade1
name2: grade2
name3: grade3
use split(":") to get the name and grade from each line of the file
glist = []
myfile = open(fname, "r")
for line in myfile:
name, grade = line.split(":")
return glist