WEEK02: numbers and strings
W: more accumulator review; string and list indexing, slicing, and len
LAB2: due next Tuesday
QUIZ1: Friday (do the practice quiz)
* here's our revstr.py program from last time:
Ask user for a string, ouput string in reverse order.
Author: J. Knerr
Date: 09Sep2008
def main():
text = raw_input("text: ")
bucket = ""
for char in text:
bucket = char + bucket # add to beginning of string
print bucket
- I used an accumulator, but added the char variable to the
front of my bucket (the reversed string I am building, one
character at a time)
- note the initial empty bucket is "" for strings (0 for numbers)
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* How about a grade-averaging program, like this:
$ python grade_ave.py
please enter # of grades: 5
grade 1: 100
grade 2: 90
grade 3: 80
grade 4: 70
grade 5: 60
the sum of those grades is: 400
the ave of those grades is: 80.0
Use an accumulator to sum all of the grades the user enters,
then calculate the average grade. And be careful with ints and
floats when you do the division...