CS21 Lab6: While Loops and Functions

Due 11:59pm **Thursday** night, Oct. 23

Run update21, if you haven't already, to create the cs21/labs/06 directory. Then cd into your cs21/labs/06 directory and create the python programs for lab 6 in this directory (handin21 looks for your lab 6 assignments in your cs21/labs/06 directory):

$ update21
$ cd cs21/labs/06
$ vi getletter.py

Your programs are graded on both correctness and style. Please review the comments regarding programming style on the main page.

1. getLetter function

Write a program, getletter.py, that calls a function getLetter. Your getLetter function should prompt the user to enter an alphabetic character (a-z, and A-Z) and return the letter to the caller. The getLetter function should continue to prompt the user to enter a letter until they enter a valid alphabetic character. Your program should call getLetter and then print out the value it returns.

Here are a few example runs of a working program:

$ python getletter.py
Enter a letter: 8
Hey, '8' isn't an alphabetic character, try again...
Enter a letter: ^
Hey, '^' isn't an alphabetic character, try again...
Enter a letter: abcdef
Hey, 'abcdef' isn't an alphabetic character, try again...
Enter a letter: A
The letter entered is: A

$ python getletter.py
Enter a letter: h
The letter entered is: h

2. Guess A Letter

Copy your getletter.py file to guess.py:

cp getletter.py guess.py
Modify the program in guess.py to implement a simple guessing game where the computer picks a random alphabetic character and the user tries to guess which letter was selected.

You should add a function to your game that:

Your main function should call this new function repeatedly until the user wins the game by guessing the correct letter. Your program should print out a message after each turn, indicating if the user's guess is correct or if they need to guess again.

To pick a random value, you need to first import functions from the random library:

from random import *
Then you can call the randrange function to get a random value from the specified range. For example, to pick a random value from the range 0,26 you would make the following call:
rand_val = randrange(0,26)

Here is what a few runs of your program might look like:

$ python guess.py
I'm thinking of a character between 'a' and 'z'
Let's see if you can guess it

Enter a letter: a
'a' is incorrect, try again...
Enter a letter: b
'b' is incorrect, try again...
Enter a letter: 9
Hey, '9' isn't an alphabetic character, try again...
Enter a letter: B
You already guessed 'b', try again...
Enter a letter: c
'c' is incorrect, try again...
Enter a letter: d
'd' is incorrect, try again...
Enter a letter: e
'e' is correct, you win in 5 guesses!!!

$ python guess.py
I'm thinking of a character between 'a' and 'z'
Let's see if you can guess it

Enter a letter: A
'a' is incorrect, try again...
Enter a letter: a
You already guessed 'a', try again...
Enter a letter: b
'b' is incorrect, try again...
Enter a letter: C
'c' is incorrect, try again...
Enter a letter: d
'd' is incorrect, try again...
Enter a letter: E
'e' is incorrect, try again...
Enter a letter: F
'f' is incorrect, try again...
Enter a letter: sdflsls
Hey, 'sdflsls' isn't an alphabetic character, try again...
Enter a letter: 9
Hey, '9' isn't an alphabetic character, try again...
Enter a letter: g
'g' is correct, you win in 7 guesses!!!


Once you are satisfied with your programs, hand them in by typing handin21 at the unix prompt.