Week 3, Friday: boolean FLAG, vim tips


Write a "bouncer" program that uses a list to decide if people get in to a party or not.

$ python bouncer.py 
What's your name? jeff
You're on the list...welcome to the party.

$ python bouncer.py 
What's your name? valerie
Sorry, you're not on the list.

For this, you could use the in operator, or an accumulator, or what's called a boolean flag. Assume you have two variables: a list of allowed guest names (guestlist), and the name of a possible guest (name):

 # assume they are not on the list

 # now check for name in guestlist, one at a time
 for guest in guestlist:
   if name == guest:
     FOUNDNAME = True

 # at this point, the boolean flag tells if they are on the list or not
   print("You're in...")

vim tips and tricks

All of these are from command mode, not insert mode. Hit Esc to get to command mode before trying any of these: