CS21 Lab 9: Campaign Contributions

Due 11:59pm Saturday, Apr 9, 2016

Run update21, if you haven't already, to create the cs21/labs/09 directory. Then cd into your cs21/labs/09 directory and edit the python program contributions.py for lab 09 in this directory (handin21 looks for your lab 09 assignments in your cs21/labs/09 directory).

$ update21
$ cd cs21/labs/09
$ emacs contributions.py
Campaign Contribution Database

The 2016 Presidential Election is shaping up to be a historically unusual and expensive election. In this lab we will examine the role campaign contributions play in the election by looking at individual contributions for each of the five remaining major party Presidential candidates: Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump.

Your assignment this week is to create a program (contributions.py) that allows the user to explore our campaign contribution database. We've provided some function implementations and some stubbed out functions to get you started.

The contribution database is contained in a single file, /usr/local/doc/contributions2016.txt, which contains individual contribution data for the candidates aggregated by zip code. Each line of the file contains seven fields separated by commas:

  1. ZIP code
  2. city name
  3. state
  4. candidate last name
  5. candidate first name
  6. number of contributions received by this candidate from this zip code
  7. total amount of contributions received by this candidate from this zip code
The entries for Swarthmore are shown here:


If there is no entry for a candidate, he/she received no contributions from this zip code. If you want, you can look at the file with the more command (use the space bar to see the next screenful of data or type 'q' to quit):

    $ more /usr/local/doc/contributions2016.txt
Note: We also provided you with two smaller datasets to aid in the development/debugging process. The file small2016.txt contains only contribution information from Delaware. The file med2016.txt contains only contributions from states in the Northeast. Feel free to use either of these as you are implementing your program.

High-level Requirements

Your program should prompt the user for either a zip code, at least part of a city name, or a two letter state abbreviation. Depending on what the user types, your program should do one of the following:

Getting Started

Edit the file contributions.py where you will implement your application. The file includes a few completed functions, some stubbed out functions, and a unit test for the sorting function you'll need to implement.

Read through the explanation below and follow the instructions highlighted in blue.
  1. First, implement the listSort(L, index) function. This function should take a list of lists L as well as an index, and perform a sorting of L, using the index elements of each sublist for comparisons. For example, suppose the list of lists was:
        L = [["apple",4], ["pear", 1], ["banana", 3], ["mango", 2]]
    We could sort L by fruit or by number. After calling listSort(L, 0), then L would be sorted as:
        L = [["apple",4], ["banana", 3], ["mango", 2], ["pear", 1]]
    After calling listSort(L, 1), then L would be sorted as:
        L = [["pear", 1], ["mango", 2], ["banana", 3], ["apple",4]]
    Before moving on to the second step, test your sort implementation using the unit test we provided and any other tests you can think of. Are you sure your sort function is working correctly?
  2. Second, implement your main function using top-down design. We have provided you with some completed functions, as well as some stubbed-out functions. At this stage of development, you should call the functions we've given you, but don't implement the stubbed out functions yet. We've given you the following completed functions:

    • getContributions(fileName) This function generates a list of campaign contributions sorted by zip code. getContributions takes in a name of the file containing the campaign contribution database and returns its entries in a list.
    • getLatLong(fileName) This function loads a database of latitude/longitude information from the given file into a dictionary. The dictionary takes a zip code string as a key and stores [latitude, longitude] values.

    We have also provided the following stubbed-out functions:
    • zipQuery(contributions) Given a list of campaign contributions sorted by zip code, this function should perform all functionality associated with a user asking the database for information about a single zip code.
    • cityQuery(contributions) Given a list of campaign contributions, this function should perform all functionality associated with a user asking for information about a city.
    • stateQuery(contributions, zips) Given a list of contributions and zip code locations, this function should perform all functionality associated with a user asking for information about a state. Use getLatLong to get the zip code locations.

    Note: If designed correctly, your program at this stage should do little more than load data from files, ask the user what they want to do, and return dummy values.

  3. Implement the stubbed out functions one at a time, and test them before moving to the next function. First, make sure the user is able to enter a zip code and get back campaign information about that zip code. Second, allow the user to enter a city and receive information about campaign contributions from that city for each party. Third, allow the user to enter a two-letter state code and retrieve the top contribution zip codes for each user.

  4. Finally, when all else has been implemented, enable the graphics portion of this lab.
Requirements and tips

As always, you should practice good top-down design, incrementally implement and test your solution, and document your code with comments. The requirements below are designed to avoid some headaches in initial design.

Example code runs
Here are some sample code runs, using each of the provided data sets:
Data Sources

The contribution data used in this lab was compiled from opensecrets.org. We tried to compile this data as accurately as possible, but there are likely inaccuracies and omissions. Use this data for entertainment purposes only. :) If you are interested in learning more about money in politics, opensecrets.org is a great resource to help you learn more.


Once you are satisfied with your program, hand it in by typing handin21 in a terminal window.