On this page:
3.1 Data Definitions
3.2 Paret Semantics
3.3 Logistics
3.3.1 Using Modules
3.3.2 Testing for Errors
3.4 Testing and Submission Steps
3.5 Grading
3 Basic Interpreter

This assignment has you implement a simple interpreter for boolean and arithmetic expressions, and identifier binding via substitution.

3.1 Data Definitions

You’ll be implementing Paret, a small language. Its concrete syntax is:

exp := (<op> <exp> <exp>)

    |  (let ((<id> <exp>) ...) <exp>) [where <id>'s are all different]

    |  (if <exp> <exp> <exp>)

    |  true

    |  false

    |  <number>


op  := + | - | * | / | < | > | ==

id  := any symbol other than an op or true, false, let, if

Some examples of Paret programs are:

(if true 32 45)


(let ((x 5) (y 10)) (+ x y))




(< 3 4)


(if (== 2 3) false true)

The abstract syntax of Paret is described by a few Pyret data definitions:

data Op: | op-plus | op-minus | op-times | op-divide | op-less | op-greater | op-equal end data Expr: | e-num(n :: Number) | e-bool(b :: Boolean) | e-op(op :: Op, left :: Expr, right :: Expr) | e-if(cond :: Expr, consq :: Expr, els :: Expr) | e-let(binds :: List<Bind>, body :: Expr) | e-id(x :: String) end data Bind: | bind(id :: String, expr :: Expr) end

This is mostly maps one-to-one with the pieces of concrete syntax, but it’s worth noting that the Bind datatype is used to describe let bindings, which are pairs of identifiers and expressions that will be substituted for them.

Paret programs can result in values or raise errors, which are described by two Pyret data structures:

data Error: | unbound-id | div-0 | not-a-num | not-a-bool end data Value: | v-num(n :: Number) | v-bool(b :: Boolean) end

The textbook and lecture have coverd Values. The causes of the errors are discussed more in the next section.

3.2 Paret Semantics

You will define an evaluator for Paret with a pair of functions:

fun interp(expr :: Expr) -> Value fun subst(expr :: Expr, id :: String, val :: Value) -> Expr

We’ll describe the semantics of each form in turn:

3.3 Logistics

You have been provided two files:

The files are at:

https://code.pyret.org/editor#share=0B32bNEogmncOU0MtNmJZaU5rTXM https://code.pyret.org/editor#share=0B32bNEogmncOS0NaM1g2aVlLRHc

Both files import the module interp-basic-defs.arr, which defines the data definitions and the helper function used by eval to parse strings to ASTs:


You do not need to, and should not, change this file at all, it’s provided for reference only (if, for example, you get a line-number related error from that file, it can be useful to have it open).

You shouldn’t need to change the top few import lines of the tests and implementation files; they are just there to import the shared code. The tests file has an import line that looks like this:

import my-gdrive("basic-interp-impl.arr") as B

That line is importing your implementation (defined in basic-interp-impl.arr), and it pulls in the most-recently-saved copy of your implementation when run.

If you have a question about the semantics, you should formulate it as a test case and run it through the reference implementation.

If you have a question about the syntax, you should try running

parse("your program here")

Where parse is defined on the interp-basic-defs.arr module.

You are not responsible for testing parsing errors. You can tell which errors are parsing errors because they aren’t errors in the Error type, and parse will raise a (somewhat) descriptive error on strings that don’t match the concrete syntax.

3.3.1 Using Modules

Since the definitions are coming from the interp-basic-defs module, you will have to use I.name to get at the various constructors and types. For example, I.v-num(5) will construct a v-num. If you want, you can copy this boilerplate to get access to the identifiers directly; I don’t care which style you choose to use:

type Error = I.Error unbound-id = I.unbound-id div-0 = I.div-0 not-a-num = I.not-a-num not-a-bool = I.not-a-bool type Op = I.Op op-plus = I.op-plus op-minus = I.op-minus op-times = I.op-times op-divide = I.op-divide op-less = I.op-less op-greater = I.op-greater op-equal = I.op-equal type Expr = I.Expr e-num = I.e-num e-bool = I.e-bool e-op = I.e-op e-if = I.e-if e-let = I.e-let e-id = I.e-id type Bind = I.Bind bind = I.bind type Value = I.Value v-num = I.v-num is-v-num = I.is-v-num v-bool = I.v-bool is-v-bool = I.is-v-bool

3.3.2 Testing for Errors

Some of the expressions in Paret explicitly raise errors in the Error type. To test erroneous Paret programs, like "(+ 5 true)", you can uses raises-satisfies in conjunction with one of the is- predicates for the appropriate error. For example, you could add this to the check block:

eval("(+ 5 true)") raises-satisfies I.is-not-a-num

3.4 Testing and Submission Steps

A good way to start is by writing tests against the reference implementation to explore the behavior of the interpreter. You can do so at the REPL and in the provided check block. The more interesting cases you figure out, the easier it will be to test your interpreter when you start writing it.

By midnight Sunday (Feb 8), you should submit 5-10 of what you think are the most interesting tests to Captain Teach at the cs91-basic-interp link from:


Submit a single Pyret file with your test cases filled into the check block in the template file. If you’re budgeting your time over the weekend, you shouldn’t need to spend more than about an hour playing with the interpreter to come up with some interesting cases.

By midnight Monday (Feb 9), you should submit any reviews you were assigned. You should feel free to complete the reviews at any time before then, and they will be assigned as submissions come in (so if multiple people submit on Saturday, reviewing can start then).

On Tuesday, a set of bad implementations will be released, with instructions for adding an import line to access and test the bad implementations.

Update: You can now include the bad intepreters in your test file by adding this line:

import shared-gdrive("basic-interp-bad-interps.arr", "0B32bNEogmncOVTBhMlpxa0FjTWs") as BI

The bad interpreters have names; the names might help you write appropriate tests (they also might not). They are:

if-true if-no-err if-both-branches reverse-comparisons homogeneous-args let-star let-rats const-op let-no-binding-subst no-shadow-check just-two-substs extra-shadow-check

You can access them with BI.bad-interps.<interp-name>, where <interp-name> is one of the above names.

By midnight Thursday (Feb 12), you should submit a completed implementation of the interpreter, and a final test suite. Use the same submission link as above, but submit to the code step, which will unlock after you complete your reviews.

3.5 Grading

Your grade will be in a few parts:

Peer reviews will not factor into your grade, though you are free to copy tests from others that you see during review. Please don’t share tests with one another outside of what’s provided during test review.