Example bots for context-free languages
- @infinite_scream Screams endlessly into the void.
- high-level description: This is the language of screams.
- formal description: Over the alphabet Σ = {A, H}, the language matches regular expression A+H+. Since it is regular and regular languages are a subset of context-free languages, it is context-free.
- @not_regularLang
- high-level description: This is our canonical not-regular language, plus some frills to make it tweet in complete sentences.
- formal description: The alphabet is Σ = {0, 1}. The only rules are S → 0S1|ε.
- Tracery source code: here. Note that the rules have been expanded and some appear several times, to tweak the probability of following them, since Tracery picks one right-hand-side uniformly at random. Also, the basic grammar has been wrapped in a different starting rule, so that the bot produces tweets of the form: "String x is in some regular languages. It's also in me!" where x = 0n1n for some n.
- @autoflâneur Directions for getting lost.
- high-level description: Gives directions once an hour. If you follow these directions, you'll definitely get lost.
- formal description: ...? (think about it)
- Tracery source code: here
- @SwarthmoreCS46
- high-level description: Automatically generates clicker questions for CS46. (They are mostly answerable.) This bot will be updated as the semester progresses.
- formal description: ...?
- Tracery source code: (Secret. But I know that there is a problem with the un-escaped open-curly-bracket, and I don't know how to fix it to display properly.)
You are free to use unicode characters or produce a language of strings that are something unusual. (Your language does not have to be words; see for example @EmojiAquarium and @softlandscapes below.) I encourage you to think creatively.
Here are some example bots for regular languages:
Here are some example bots for context-free languages:
The Swarthmore students in Theory of Computation for spring 2019 came up with some cool ideas too:
- The Lang Center for Bot "Wow! So much new construction on campus these days!"
- @PokerMisery A bot that automates misery poker.
- GoT Season 8 Spoilers for GoT season 8, only slightly accurate (this bot came out before GoT season 8 aired).
- @NBA_HotTakesBot Hot and frankly bizarre takes on NBA news.
- OracleBot1 Makes predictions for upcoming events. Sometimes far distant future ones.
- Terrible Folktale Openings This bot can help with writer's block for fairytales. But only at the beginning.
- @upNextOnSwat Tells you one calendar update for Swarthmore. Not linked to reality AT ALL.
- Meal Plan Gives a possible menu for the day's meals. Not nutritionist-approved.