here's the movie
The textures I used were mostly the "Granite" and "Rock" textures over a lambert surface. Occasionally, I got adventurous, there are some blinn "Marble" textures in there somewhere, on some of the more complex buildings. Some of the buildings have windows. I accomplished this by making polygon cubes with transparent blue colored blinn textures on them and unioning them to the building.
Always remember to discard the history before importing the building into another maya scene. It makes things go a lot more smoothly.
The fountain and the pools have planes that are partially transparent with water textures on them.
Check out the swingset. The kids need a place to play. -->
By keying various attributes of one of the buildings, I was able to make it turn red and then disappear.
The vehicles are all on path curves so they follow the roads smoothly and evenly.
History"Mr. I. Roboto", AKA Servo Model BT3 Mark VII, was created as a giant-sized novelty Butlerbot for a national technology expo with the theme "Tomorrow's future... today!". Little did his creators realize just how true this dire prediction was. Mr. Roboto's ethical heuristics were accidentally altered by a semi-conscious coder at 6 A.M., creating a cuddly, streamlined cyborg of pure TERROR harboring insane agression towards the human race. Today, he happens upon a city with one thing on his mind: destruction. We shall see what happens next. | ![]() |
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ModelMr. Roboto is modeled out of NURBS surfaces,for a soft, friendly look in contrast to the badass-ness of bl0x0r. The different parts of his body were made mainly by revolution of curves and manipulation of primitives, except for the face, which is a surface of revolution sculpted with the sculpt surfaces tool. His eyes glow with two low-emission point light sources and the siren on his head is another point light source, set to flash on and off using a simple expression. The magnetic glow on his hand and the beam of his raygun are curves with brush-strokes attached to them. His mouth houses a deadly flame emitter, made as a particle emitter set to emit directional cloud-shaped particles. |
SkeletonMr. Roboto is smooth bound to a skeleton. He has some "extra" joints which serve to hold his form in various places, such as the torso and head.There are IK handles on his arms, legs, feet, torso, and head. His claws can be manipulated by rotating the joints directly. He is probably less flexible a robot than the competition, but makes up for it in charm and good taste.
AnimationMr. Roboto was animated entirely with keyframes and Maya's Trax editor. The Trax editor is the wave of the future.
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In the not too distant future, an unamed student at swarthmore college (oh,
let's just call him johanius) left his junior final project
unattended in the robot lab over the course of a winter break. By the time he
returned, the project--a hybrid of the animation, robotics, AI, and
compiler courses at swarthmore--had already evolved to the point that it had broken out of the lab and razed the entire college campus.
Bloxor then proceded to annihilate a large majority of other nearby
small east coast liberal arts colleges, before finally meeting Mr. Roboto in
the fine bustling urban center of Metropolot.
More about
The largest portion of Bloxor's geometry consists of modified cubes and
NURBS spheres, both rigid (the polygons) and smooth (the NURBS) bound to
an underlying skeleton. However, there are a couple areas of much greater
complexity. The hands, for example, were originally a series of subdivisioun
surfaces, and later converted to polygons to save time for unneeded detail.
The left hand has a lazer claw grafted to it, and the right hand has the
middle finger bound to a special joint for making a very important gesture
essential to the animation.
Bloxor's Head and torso also offer some interesting geometry. The
torso is a severly mangled cube, subdivided many times without
regard for aesthetic pleasure. The head is also a polygon cube mangled
in a similar fashion, with "brain" and "brain case" domes on top. You
may notice two straight lines coming out of Bloxor's face. What might
they be you ask?
...and another gratuitous shot with the lazer claw...
and in the case that the movie wasn't enough for you, here's the first
test of both the lazer and a primitive
walk cycle, as an mpeg movie. note that in later versions, Bloxor's
brain dome lights up before he shoots his lazers :)
the Grouchy Robot -- SFBloxor