CS 63

Due 11/03/09


For any problems requiring you to draw the game tree or partial-order plan, you can (neatly!) hand-draw these diagrams. However, the rest of your homework should be typed and use proper logical notation; for this reason, I recommend you use LaTeX.
Don't forget your statement of sources!

I. Game Playing (18 points)

Consider a two-player coin-flipping game where two players alternate flipping a fair two-sided coin.  If the coin lands heads up, the player who flipped gains one point.  If the coin lands tails up, they gain two points.  If a player exceeds three points, they automatically lose all of their points, and the game ends.  During their respective turns, a player can choose to stop the game, in which case both players keep their current scores.  The goal is to beat the other player by as many points as possible.

For example, if Player 1's coin lands tails up, she gets two points.  Player 2 then takes her turn, gets heads, and now has one point. Player 1 decides to stop the game, and wins, beating Player 2 by one point.

Draw the 4-ply (two moves for each player) expecti-minimax tree for this problem.  Using the static evaluation function (score(player1) - score(player2)), back up the leaf values to the root of the tree.  What is the best action for the first player to take?  (Play or stop?)  If player 1 flips tails, what should player 2 do? Why? (Hint: Write small, since this tree is big, and start near a corner of the page.)


II. Knowledge-based Agents (12 points)

(a) Russell & Norvig Exercise 7.11 (a).  (5 pts)   Note: assume that (1,1) is a corner.

(b) Russell & Norvig Exercise 8.16.  (7 pts)


III. Resolution Theorem Proving (25 points)

(a) (8 points) Represent the following knowledge base in first-order logic.  Use the predicates

where arguments x have the domain of all people, and arguments t have the domain of all tests.
  1. Everyone who is smart, studies, and attends class will be prepared.
  2. Everyone who is prepared will pass a test if it is fair.
  3.  A student passes a test if and only if they don't fail it.
  4.  Every Swarthmore student is smart.
  5.  If a test isn't fair, everyone will fail the test.
  6.  Aidan is a Swarthmore student.
  7.  Sandy passed the CS 63 exam.
  8.  Aidan attends class.

(b) (7 points) Convert the KB to conjunctive normal form.

(c) (2 points) We wish to prove that

study(Aidan) -> pass(Aidan, CS63-exam)

Express the negation of this goal in conjunctive normal form.

(d) (8 points) Add the negated goal to the KB, and use resolution refutation to prove that it is true. You may show your proof as a series of sentences to be added to the KB or as a proof tree.  In either case, you must clearly show which sentences are resolved to produce each new sentence, and what the unifier is for each resolution step.

IV. Planning Representations (25 pts.)

Our agent is hungry and unhappy, and wants to go on a vacation, sunbathe, and eat well. Our agent starts out rich, but only has limited options, some of which will consume a substantial part of its wealth.

(a) (7 pts.) Describe only the Happy predicate using the situation calculus. You should have one or more possibility axioms (one for each relevant action)  and one or more successor-state axioms (one for each relevant action). Be careful NOT to formulate these as effects axioms. These possibility axioms should characterize how the state of the Happy predicate changes as a result of the actions in the domain, in terms of the domain predicates listed above.
(You may want to refer to pages 330-333 in the book.)

(b) (7 pts.) Describe the actions in this domain as STRIPS operators. Be sure to include all preconditions, add lists, and delete lists.  (See pages 377-378.) You are welcome to use (temp < 75) and other inequalities as valid predicates, even though these are not part of the original STRIPS specification.

(c) (5 pts.) Show two different legal plans (sequences of actions) for achieving the goal described above from the given initial state. (Hint: what is the goal? Frame it in terms of the agent's properties, i.e., happy, hungry, etc.)

(d) (6 pts.) How many legal plans are there for this goal? Explain your answer.  Does the answer change depending on whether or not repeated states are allowed?

V. Partial-Order Planning (20 pts.)

Suppose that the agent starts building a partial-order plan to achieve the goal in the domain from problem #1. The agent decides to drive to Ocean City and eat at Burger King. Draw the partial-order plan at this point in the planning process. You do not need to show the dependencies associated with static predicates. Show all dependencies (ordering links and causal links) associated with dynamic predicates. Ordering links should be drawn as a thin, single arrow; causal links, as a double or thick arrow.

Now suppose that the agent decides to satisfy its Happiness goal using the Sunbathe action. Insert this action into the plan, showing all dependencies. Will this plan succeed? If so, complete the partial plan, resolving any threats that arise. If not, complete the partial plan to the point where planning fails, and explain the source of the failure.