Lab 6 Goals

  • Understand principles of reliability at the transport layer

  • Design and implement a protocol that pipelines transmissions - i.e., has multiple packets in flight using Go-Back-N (GBN).

  • Develop C library code for your protocol over a UDP socket and implement congestion control using Additive Increase, Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD).

  • Learn to use mininet, a network emulator to design and test your protocol.


For this lab, you will be continuing your development of a reliable data transfer protocol over an unreliable (simulated) link and transfer all packets from source to destination over a simple dumbbell network. Your submission will still be in the form of a library that mimics the type of functionality that you would expect to get from an OS’s transport-layer implementation.

Your transport protocol should be a Go-Back-N style protocol. In addition to using timeouts and ACKs, you will also use pipelining, and implement congestion control for reliable transfer without packet loss. We will continue to emulate a simple dumbbell network to transfer the packets from source to destination.

This time, since you are pipelining packets, your transfer rate should improve significantly!

Network pipelined
Figure 1. The figure shows a dumbbell network. The switch has a buffer of size N > 2 to hold packets in transit. Host 1 and Host 2 each have two links that transfer data from and to the end hosts respectively. We start the mininet simulation with a delay of 10ms and 1-3% loss on each link.

Lab Requirements

Go-Back-N Protocol Specifications:

  • Your protocol should provide fast (pipelined) reliable transfer of data in the presence of lossy links.

  • Link packet buffers will vary from 10 - 100 at the switch.

  • Your protocol should provide in-order delivery. That is, the receiver should receive packets in the same order that the sender sends them, even if something occurs (e.g., losses) that causes a later-sent packet to arrive before an earlier-sent one.

  • You should mimic TCP’s AIMD congestion control behavior. Your protocol should provide as much performance as network conditions will reasonably allow. If there is free space in the router or switch queue, your protocol should attempt to take advantage of that. If it overflows the queues, it should back off.

  • Cleanly shut down connections on both ends, and deliver outstanding packets.

  • You do not have to deal with checksums or error detection and corruption.

  • Your library (lab6.h and lab6.c) should allow any application that’s built on top of it to achieve reliable communication. When transferring files with your library, you should get byte-for-byte identical copies using diff, md5sum.

Working example

  • Similar to Lab 5, we will run this lab inside a Virtual Machine (VM) that runs mininet - a virtual network emulator.

  • The following commands show how you can test your application-layer code with a completely implemented version of your lab.

# SSH into the virtual VM and cd into lab6
$ ssh localhost -p 22222 -l mininet
$ cd lab6-username1-username2/

# Setup mininet with appropriate delay and loss parameters
$ sudo mn --link tc,delay='10ms',loss=5,max_queue_size=10

# run lab6 receiver first in the mininet terminal
$ mininet> h2 ./lab6_receiver 9000 > output.txt 2> output.err & echo $!

# SSH into the virtual VM in a different terminal
$ tail -f output.txt output.err

# run lab6 sender in mininet (mininet terminal)
$ mininet> h1 ./lab6_sender 9000 < 1000lines

# view differences in output and input (second terminal)
$ md5sum 1000lines output.txt
187323fe69aa075411d75dd0849f8263  1000lines
187323fe69aa075411d75dd0849f8263  output.txt

Getting your Lab 6 Starting Point Code

Log into CS43 Github for our class and get the ssh-URL to your lab git repository. Follow along with the prompts below to SSH, create a lab directory and clone your lab repos.

# ssh into our lab machines

# cd into your cs43/labs sub-directory and clone your lab2 repo
cd ~/cs43/labs
git clone [your-ssh-URL]

# change directory to list its contents
cd lab6-user1-user2

# ls should list the following contents
 Makefile 1000lines lab6_sender.c lab6_receiver.c
You will notice that you are missing the files lab6.c and lab6.h. That’s because you can base it off of your reliable lab5.c and lab5.h. You can start by copying them over, and changing their names, and the struct lab5_hdr fields appropriately. You should also continue to run your VM on the CS_Machines allocated to your group from Lab 5.

High-level overview of your program

Go Back N
Figure 2. The figure shows the Go-Back-N protocol with two end-hosts; one functioning as the sender and other, the receiver. The sender sends a pipelined window of data packets at a time. The receiver, sends a cumulative ACK to the sender, for the data it has received in sequence.
  • In Go-Back-N: Packets are retransmitted from point of loss.

    • Segments between loss event and retransmission are ignored.

    • Packet transmissions, "Go-back-N” if a timeout event occurs.

  • Protocol API: You are responsible for writing/editing only the following functions:

    • in lab6.c: my_socket, my_send, my_rtt, my_recv and my_close.

    • in lab6.h: add state to struct lab6_hdr

    • to send and receive data across the wire, we will be using UDP’s unreliable send and recvfrom in my_send and my_recv. Your code in the functions above are responsible for implementing reliability on top of UDP.

  • Application layer: lab6_sender.c and lab6_receiver.c implement the application layer that calls your library functions. lab6_sender.c and lab6_receiver.c each get their own copy of your library functions.

    • You may only edit lab6_sender.c and lab6_receiver.c for your own testings purposes. When grading, I will use the default version, so do not rely on changes to the application layer for correct operation.


The workflow remains similar to Lab 5. The main elements that change are sending pipelined data, and keeping track of packets in flight.

  1. Setup initial state in my_socket call, that GBN would need to get started.

  2. Setup metadata that the transport layer packet header (per packet) will need to carry in lab6.h. You can keep this header value minimal.

  3. Setup helper functions that will be called by my_send and my_recv.

  4. Implement my_rtt similar to Lab 5.

  5. Implement reliable sending in my_send. To reliably send data, you will need to implement the following:

    1. Maintain a data structure that keeps track of all the packets in your window.

    2. For each packet, create a header, and maintain timeout values associated with that packet and send the packet.

    3. Keep track of packets sent and acknowledgements received.

    4. Depending on whether you have received ACKs or encountered a timeout change, implement congestion control and change your window size according to AIMD.

    5. You can choose to implement fast-retransmit but you don’t have to.

  6. Implement reliable receive in my_recv. To reliably receive data, you will need to implement the following:

    1. Receive packets over the network the size of your window. For each packet, you do not need to check for errors in the checksum.

    2. Make sure packets are received in order, and send appropriate cumulative acknowledgements to the sender.

    3. If packets are received in order, remove the transport layer header and copy the application layer payload to the application buffer

    4. Return the number of bytes received to the application.

  7. Implement reliable closing in my_close. Your implementation should cleanly shut down connections on both ends, even if packets get lost.

    1. You do NOT need to implement the TCP behavior that allows each side to shutdown independently.

    2. Your my_close function logic can remain the same as lab5.

    3. Before closing, make sure to send and ACK all outstanding packets in a window before sending a FIN packet.

Weekly Deliverables

Week 1

  • Setup lab6.c and lab6.h based on Lab 5.

  • Complete This is a deliverable by the end of week 1 of lab5.

  • Implement 1-4 of the workflow and get started on 5.

Week 2

  • Implement 5 - 7. Reliably closing takes some time to think about - don’t leave this as an afterthought!

  • Complete

  • Test your code to make sure you can reliably send and receive.

Setting up your VM and Mininet

The instructions for setting up your Virtual Machine and Mininet are the same as Lab 5.

Go-Back-N Protocol

This section adds more detail on setting up your GBN protocol.

Figure 3. The figure shows the GBN Protocol’s sending socket buffer. Your implementation of the socket buffer will be as a circular queue. Here, each slot on the socket buffer is filled in by a single packet passed down from the application layer.

Pipelined transmission

  • Your my_send function is now responsible for sending more than one packet at a time.

  • To implement this functionality, we will maintain a socket buffer data structure that will hold packets passed down from the application layer. In the figure above, this corresponds to the sock_buf array. For the sock_buf array you can allocate a static array of size WINDOW_SIZE_CAP. Just as MAX_PACKET is predefined in lab5.h, you can define a macro with WINDOW_SIZE_CAP = 2000.

    // In lab6.h
    # define WINDOW_SIZE_CAP 2000
  • We will also maintain variables to point to the start and end of the current window or cwnd; your congestion window. cwnd grows and shrinks based on network conditions. You can assume that cwnd will never reach the size of sock_buf array.

  • As you send data and get ACKs back for packets, you can keep advancing your congestion window cwnd. If you reach the end of the sock_buf array, you want to circle back to the beginning; i.e., implement the array as a circular queue.

  • For each packet in your sock_buf array you should keep track of the status of that packet. This might include if the packet is in flight, has received an ACK, the timeout values, etc.

  • To keep track of the information per packet, each element of your socket buffer array can be a struct with everything you need to know about a packet. Essentially your sock_buf array, is an array of struct packets. You might want to declare the struct packet in lab6.h as follows:

    struct packet{
     char array[MAX_PACKET]; //hold the header +  packet.
     float timeout; //future timeout per packet
     uint32_t sequence_number;
     int packet_status; //retransmitted
     //any other fields you find necessary
    This struct is not to be confused with struct lab6_hdr which you’ll keep the same as struct lab6_hdr. struct lab6_hdr is the header information associated with each packet being sent from the sender to the receiver. Whereas, struct packet is book-keeping information the sender will maintain for each packet in flight within its socket buffer.

Implementing Congestion Control: Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD)

To implement AIMD, you might want to create helper functions to my_send that are responsible for: (a) Receiving acknowledgements and (b) Scheduling timeouts.

Your AIMD should:

  1. Start in Slow Start, with cwnd doubling each time an entire window’s worth of packets is acknowledged.

  2. Transition to Congestion Avoidance, if you loose a packet, i.e., half cwnd, and start increasing cwnd linearly.

  3. Once you enter Congestion Avoidance you can remain in this phase, and don’t have to go back to Slow Start.

AIMD Control Flow:

To implement reliable delivery, this time you do not want to wait to receive an ACK before returning to the sender! Instead you want to keep adding packets up to the size of cwnd, and return to the sender once you have reliably sent at least one free spot available in cwnd.

At a high-level this would look like the following:

1: while you have open slots in cwnd:
2:  copy the packet that the application layer has given  to the sock_buf array
3:  setup state required for the packet, including timeouts etc.
4:  send the packet
5: return to the application layer
6: if all your open slots are full:
7:  enter a while loop and call a separate function to receive ACKs

Scheduling Timeouts

Since we are pipelining packets, we now need to check the timeout values for every packet. To do so, we will use the struct packet to maintain book-keeping information about the future timeout values for every packet.

Timeouts select
Figure 4. The figure shows book-keeping information maintained per packet in the current pipelined window. In this figure, all the packets within cwnd have been sent, and we are now ready to check if there are any received ACKs.
  • Rather than calling select as soon as we send a packet, this time we will send all the packets in our window, and call select on the first packet to timeout.

  • To keep track of timeouts per packet, for every packet we send, we will keep track of the time sent using current_msec(), and calculate the timeout for that packet and maintain this information in struct packet. This is shown in figure 4.

  • In figure 4, we have cwnd = 4 and we have sent all four packets, and kept track of the sent_time and timeout for each packet.

The timescales it takes for multiple packets to be processed and sent at the sender are much much smaller than the time it takes for the network to send back an ACK.
  • Once we have sent the packets, we are ready to call select. We pass to select the smallest timeout value within our sent window. As shown in the figure, note that at this point some time would have elapsed since we sent that packet, and we would have to account for this in the timeout value you pass to select.

  • The figure shows how you would set the timeout for the first packet in our window, packet 4. We calculate the projected timeout (sent_time + timeout) and subtract the current_time, to get the time we still need to wait, for packet 4.

  • In general, your code would have a control flow similar to the following to receive ACKs.

    1: Receiving ACKs:
    2:  find the packet with the earliest packet_timeout
    3:  to set the timeout calculate: packet_timeout + sent_time - curr_time
    2:  call select and with this timeout value
    3:  if select times out
    4:    send all the packets that have timed out
    5:    for every packet retransmitted, reset the timeout and other book-keeping information
    6: if select does not timeout
    7:    calculate the RTT using EWMA
    8: if an ACK has successfully been received:
    9:    and if there are one or more empty slots in cwnd
    10:     advance cwnd and possibly double or increment cwnd
    11:     return from my_send back to the application layer.
Recall the timeout_struct has to be reinitialized every time you call select! select internally decrements the value of the timeout_struct until you receive an ACK.

Implementing Receiving, RTT estimates and calling select

This should mostly be the same as Stop-and-Wait. Refer to Lab 5 pages for the workflow for receiving, estimating RTT, struct casting tricks, and calling select.

Implementing Closing

Most of your functionality can stay the same as my_close in Lab 5. The key difference here is that if my_close calls `my_send, with a FIN you should first make sure to send all outstanding packets in your window, before sending the close packet.

You do not want to immediately close the connection, and drop application layer data!

Grading Rubric

This assignment is worth 8 points.

  • (-1) - Penalty for writing or implementing code before the completion of the week 1 worksheet.

  • 2 - Complete week 1 worksheet, and design run-through.

  • 1 - Complete week 2 worksheet.

  • 2 - Your protocol delivers packets reliably and in-order, regardless of link buffer size, with a window size that is larger than one.

  • 1 - Your protocol’s performance increases significantly when network conditions are more favorable.

  • 1 - Your protocol cleanly terminates connections such that both ends agree that the connection is closed.

  • 1 - Your protocol has no memory leaks or invalid memory accesses (i.e., valgrind should not complain about anything). Your pseudo-kernel library will need to keep track of the window and outstanding packets, and it would be very bad for the kernel to have memory problems.


  • If you want to add a print statement to your library, use fprintf to print to the stderr stream rather than the usual stdout. There are examples of this in the library already. The benefit of using this method is that it won’t interfere with the results that are outputted by the receiver, since that captures only stdout.

  • You should experiment with a range of packet queue sizes in mininet. For loss rates, you can go from 1% to 3% (effective overall loss rate of 88%) at most. If you set higher loss rates, your pipelining windows will be very small and you won’t see an improvement over Stop-and-Wait.

  • Your estimated RTT should converge to the network RTT for large file transfers and small loss rates (1%).

  • md5sums for the input and output files should match for all file sizes.

  • my_close, should reliably close even with ICMP packets disabled.


  • START EARLY! The earlier you start, the sooner you can ask questions if you get stuck.

  • Test your code in small increments. It’s much easier to localize a bug when you’ve only changed a few lines.

  • git push frequently. You could loose your code if it lives only on the VM.


Please remove any debugging output prior to submitting.

Please do not submit output file(s) that you used in testing.

To submit your code, simply commit your changes locally using git add and git commit. Then run git push while in your lab directory.