· Douglas hoped that northerners opposing his bill would quiet down after the bill was settled, but they became more furious · Antislavery critics wanted to prevent slavery from gaining a foothold in Kansas à Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Company was found to help emigrants to settle down in Kansas à hundreds of settlers moved to Kansas · Alarmed proslavery groups also started to go to Kansas · When a territorial legislature was elected in March 1855 over 6000 votes were counted · ~ 5000 of these votes were illegal because most Missourians who voted were not residents àlarge number of men who had been elected were proslavery à a law was quickly passed authorizing slavery in Kansas! à even death penalty was passed for people helping slaves to escape · Kansans refused to accept the new legislature and set up an own government at the town of Topeka à fighting between these two governments broke out à weapons from the East were sent to Kansans · Tension between these two parties started to explode when in November 1855 a Kansan were killed by a proslavery man · On May 21st, Sheriff Jones, a proslavery, and a proslavery army marched into Lawrence and destroyed two printing presses and burned down several buildings · A few days later John Brown and seven other men, took revenge and massacred five people (they split open their skulls and cut off some of their hands) As a result civil war in Kansas broke out Words: 249