Having a job in high school gives me an edge. As an employee, I have learned to interact with many different types of people, work together, and learn the value of a dollar. Being employed is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Participating in a job has offered me many opportunities to make friends, assume a leadership role, and take on responsibilities. Working has enabled me to become a more mature and well-rounded individual. Without a job, I would not be who I am today. When you are employed, you have to work every other day in order to make money, and it becomes apparent that you do not have all the time in the world to accomplish every day tasks like homework or athletics. With so much going on in a high- schoolers life, it is essential to prioritize. Participation in a job has helped me learn to do just that. By keeping an organized schedule of my responsibilities, and using my time well, I have been able to show my peers that it is possible to accomplish what needs to be done. At school and at work, people look up to me for advice. Just knowing that others see how hard you work to get things done in your own life makes the world of difference in how you feel about yourself. Despite the number of hours I have dedicated to my job, I have been able to maintain a B average. I have learned that if something is important to you, you can accomplish whatever you want to. My participation in the world of working has made all the difference to me. Working plays a key role in many students lives. Participation in employment has given me a sense of maturity and has made me feel good about myself. It has made a difference in my life, and I am sure in many other lives, too. Words: 325