Outline A. Introduction 1. Topic 2. Topic question - Give evidence - Give examples of other ideas 3. Thesis B. Batista/Castro Government 1. Before Castro's reign - conservative at first - turned communist 2. USSR stayed ally with Castro C. U-2 Spy Plane Incident 1. Francis Gary Powers - USA's excuse - 1958 incident 2. Note to the US government - air space violation - Cuba 90 miles off the cost of Florida 3. Rejection of open skies' proposal - Eisenhower left for the summit conference - no more U2 flights over the USSR 4. Powers tried and convicted of espionage by the supreme court of the USSR - Castro seized all American-owned properties - oil refineries - sugar mills - electric utilities - USA very angry D. Summary of The Inspector General's Survey of The Cuban Operation 1. Freedom of Information Act to the National Security Archives -group that publishes declassified government documents -the porpoise of document 2. A Program of Covert Action Against the Castro Regime - Cuban exile organization - propaganda offense - clandestine intelligence - paramilitary force E. The CIA's Plan of Invasion 1. The bay of Pigs - Cuban exile organization - propaganda offense - clandestine intelligence - paramilitary force 2. Budget approved - Political action - propaganda - paramilitary - intelligence collection F. What Went Wrong In The Bay of Pigs Invasion 1. The actual Plan 2. The Inspector General's conclusions - The Central Intelligence Agency - failures with the project and agency G. What Actually Happened In The Bay of Pigs Invasion H. Conclusion The invasion at the Bay of Pigs has raised many questions and many interesting things have come out of it. What people want to know is, why it happened, or what caused it, but the most important question that is not commonly asked is what was the main affect of the invasion? Some say that the affects are not many. People believed for a while that there was no way that the united states could suffer from the invasion on Cuba, they were wrong. The main affect was that Cuban leaders feared another direct US invasion, and so they allowed the USSR to place nuclear missiles in Cuba, aimed at the United States, this is called the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Soviet Union offered military aid to Cuba, and Cuba agreed to let the Soviet Union send missiles and materials to build launch sites. In October 1962, the United States learned that Cuba had nuclear missiles in place that could be launched toward American cities. President John F. Kennedy ordered a naval blockade to halt the further shipment of arms. He demanded that the Soviet Union remove all missiles from the island and dismantle the remaining missile bases. For several days, the world stood on the brink of nuclear war. Finally, the Soviet Union removed the weapons under protest from Castro. The Soviet action came after Kennedy privately agreed not to invade Cuba. Kennedy also agreed to remove U.S. nuclear missiles from Turkey, which the Soviets considered to be a threat. All because of the invasion on Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar became the dictator of Cuba in 1952. The United States had been kind to Batista. Shortly after, Fidel Castro, became the leader of an underground antigovernment group. After leading several failed uprisings, and being arrested for leading those revolts, Castro finally lead a successful rebellion against Batista. In 1959, Castro became the Premier. At first, Castro was very conservative, but after he realized how much power he had gained, he started abusing it, being very hostile to both the Cuban people, and the United States. The United States, who had been very good to Cuba, but the U.S. started to get angry when, in 1960, Castro seized American oil refineries, sugar mills, and electric utilities. In the early 60s, he also started to welcome communism and formed close ties with the USSR. In 1959, when Castro became premier, the Central Intelligence Agency, (CIA) started planning an invasion near Guantánamo Bay, a US naval base in Cuba, in the Bay of Pigs, in southern Cuba. The CIA set up a small sub-organization with the sole purpose of planning the invasion. Despite the propaganda, intelligence planning, counter intelligence planning, and paramilitary planning, the mission still failed. In February 1962, the Inspector General wrote a document called The Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation. This was deemed top secret until 1997. Inside it tells many reasons for the failure. Why didn't the CIA think of these problems ahead of time? Before Castro's reign over Cuba, a man named Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar was the Premier from 1952 to 1959. Castro was against Batista's ideas, so he joined an underground anti-Batista group. Fidel Castro went up through the ranks of the group, until he was the leader. He led several rebellions, and was arrested for them. Seven years later, he led a rebellion that was successful, and overthrew the Batista administration. Since he was the leader of the group, he became the new dictator of Cuba. At First, he was a very conservative dictator. He was liked by the Cuban people, and by other countries, including the United States of America. This did not last long, when he soon realized how much power he had. He immediately seized American-owned properties in Cuba. This made him lose the United States as an ally. However, Khruschev's United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), stayed as an ally, and influenced Castro to gradually change Cuba in to a communist state. This also scared the Pentagon, because a communist country not far from the coast of Florida was created. On February 21st, 1998, The New York Times reported that the Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation was released under the Freedom of Information Act to the National Security Archives, a non-profit group that collects and publishes declassified Government documents. Inside the article, it quoted several paragraphs of The Inspector Generals Survey of the Cuban Operation. The Inspector Generals Survey of the Cuban Operation was the internal document inside the Central Intelligence Agency explaining the failure. The document was written by the Inspector General of the Central Intelligence Agency, and was kept in his files in the Agency's building in Washington. It was released under the Freedom of Information Act on February 21st, 1998, to an organization on the World Wide Web called the National Security Archives. This organization is a non-profit organization that through its web page gives the public, such as myself, Government documents, some of which, used to have been top secret. As it says in the introduction of this document, This is the Inspector General's report on the Central Intelligence Agency's ill-fated attempt to implement national policy by overthrowing the Fidel Castro regime in Cuba by means of a covert paramilitary operation.1 It also says that the purpose of this document is to describe weaknesses and failures disclosed by the study, and to make recommendations for their correction and avoidance in the future…It does not describe or analyze in detail the purely military phase of the effort…In preparing the survey the Inspector General and his representatives interviewed about 125 Agency employees of all levels and studied a large quantity of documentary material.2 The Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation states that President Dwight Eisenhower authorized the following by approving a paper entitled A Program of Covert Action Against the Castro Regime: a. Formation of a Cuban exile organization to attract Cuban loyalties, to direct opposition activities, and to provide cover for Agency operations. b. A propaganda offensive in the name of the opposition. c. Creation inside Cuba of a clandestine intelligence collection and action apparatus to be responsive to the direction of the exile organization d. Development outside Cuba of a small paramilitary force to be introduced into Cuba to organize, train and lead resistance groups. The concept was for the Cuban exile council to serve as cover for the United States Government by acting as a group of American businessmen. When the United States Government went along to plan and doing actions making the actions themselves publicly known, but since there was cover, the hand of the U.S. Government would not appear3 because of the Cuban exile group, which would later form a group called FRD. This document states that the reason for invasion of Cuba by the United States of America was a way to stop communism from spreading to the Western Hemisphere, near the United States, a world power and a Democracy. The United States Government felt it was a danger to National Security, which eventually it was during the Cuban Missile Crisis, which wouldn't of even happened if the bay of pigs hadn't happened. The history of the Bay of Pigs, or for now the Cuban Operation, began in 1959, shortly after Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar was overthrown by Fidel Castro. The Central Intelligence Agency needed a way to accomplish a second revolution in Cuba, this time a Democratic revolution. The Central Intelligence Agency developed a Branch of the Western Hemisphere Division, a division of the Central Intelligence Agency, which handled Intelligence efforts on the Western Hemisphere of the earth. This branch was named Western Hemisphere Division Branch Four, or WH/4 as an abbreviation. WH/4 was an expandable task force in charge of the Cuban Operation, and involved in all the aspects as mentioned in the previous list. Each aspect of the operation had a different area to work from. The recruiting center for the Cuban Exile group was in Miami, with a second one in Cuba. The propaganda aspect was located in several different areas across the continent. For example, there was one powerful gray radio station in Massachusetts, there was another radio station posing as a legitimate commercial station on Swan Island. A television show in Spanish was created in Miami, and several written publications were created including a newspaper named Advance, and even an Anti-Castro comic book! Inside Cuba a clandestine intelligence group was created with the sole purpose of being responsive to the Cuban exile group. Out side Cuba there was a small paramilitary group with the plan to enter Cuba when deemed necessary to organize, train, and lead resistance groups. The Central Intelligence Agency decided they needed to capture the island to save the United States of America from attacks by Communist nations. This plan was known as The Bay of Pigs. In the internal CIA document, The Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation, the Inspector General refers to the mission as the Central Intelligence Agency's ill-fated attempt to implement national policy by overthrowing the Fidel Castro regime in Cuba by means of a covert paramilitary operation.4 The actual Bay of Pigs Invasion begins in the year 1959, and ends with the Cuban victory on April 19, 1961. The Invasion became official on March 17, 1960, when President Eisenhower authored a paper titled, A Program of Covert Action Agency Against the Castro Regime. This authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to undertake the following (this paper affected many groups): a. Formation of a Cuban exile organization to attract Cuban loyalties, to direct opposition activities, and to provide cover for Agency operations. b. A propaganda offensive in the name of the opposition. c. Creation inside Cuba of a clandestine intelligence collection and action apparatus to be responsive to the direction of the exile organization. d. Development outside Cuba of a small paramilitary force to be introduced into Cuba to organize, train, and lead resistance groups.5 Eisenhower also approved the budget for the operation, which totaled $4, 400,000. This included Political action, $950,000; propaganda, $1,700,000; paramilitary, $1,500,000; intelligence collection, $250,000.6 The plan was to train Cuban exiles, which would serve as a cover for action by the Central Intelligence Agency, which became known by the public. All Central Intelligence Agency personnel that had any contact with the Cuban public would have a separate identity as an American businessman. This would hide all United States Government involvement. In August 1959, the Chief of the Paramilitary Group attended a meeting to discuss the creation of a paramilitary group, to be used in Latin American crisis situations. He setup a small, proprietary airline for future use. At this time, Cuba was only one of may possible targets. During the Bay of Pigs Invasion, there were many problems with the actual plan, and this is what caused the failure. Frankly, I feel that this plan was very good, and don't know where the fatal mistake was if I hadn't read about it, because it wasn't very obvious. The Inspector General suggested these conclusions on page 143 of the Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation: 1.The Central Intelligence Agency, after starting to build up the resistance and guerrilla forces inside Cuba, drastically concerted the project into what rapidly became an overt military operation. The Agency failed to recognize that when the project advanced beyond the stage of plausible denial it was going beyond the area of Agency responsibility as well as Agency capability. 2.The Agency became so wrapped up in the military operation that it failed to appraise the [blurred] of [blurred] realistically. Furthermore, it failed to keep the national policy-makers adequately and realistically informed of the conditions considered essential for success, and it did not [burred] sufficiently for prompt policy decisions in a fast moving situation. 3.As the project grew, the Agency reduced the exiled leaders to the status of puppets, hereby losing the advantages of their active participation. 4.The Agency failed to build up and supply a resistance organization under rather favorable conditions. Air and boat operations showed up poorly. 5. The Agency failed to collect adequate information on the strengths of the Castro regime and the extent of the opposition to it; and it failed to evaluate the available information correctly. 6.The project was badly organized. Command lines and [blurred] controls were ineffective and useless. Senior Staffs if the Agency were not utilized; air support stayed independent of the project; the role of the large forward [blurred] was not clear. 7.The project was not staffed with top-quality people, and a number of people were not used to the best advantage. 8. The Agency entered the project without adequate [blurred] in the way of [blurred], bases, training facilities, [blurred][blurred], Spanish-speakers, and similar essential ingredients of a successful operation. [Blurred] these been already in being, such time and effort would have been saved.7 In the weeks before the actual invasion, the Western Hemisphere Division Branch Four hastened their pace in the preparations. On March 12th, 1961 the LCI Barbara J launched and recovered a sabotage team against the Texaco refinery in Santiago, Cuba. Beginning on March 13th, and ending on March 15th, the project chiefs worked on a revised plan that they presented to the President on March 15th. Although the planning was going along smoothly, it was taking to long for the Cuban exiles to wait, and several went AWOL. In late March the [blacked out] ostensible owner of the Swan Island radio station, thanked all the sponsored of political programs and advised them that no more tapes would be required; purpose of this action was to clear the way for a unity program during the action phase of the operation.8 Although the mission was being prepared and almost ready, the Guatemala Camp was accepting trainees as late as the week of April 4th. Flights over Cuba were suspended on March 28th. The Government gave two reasons for the suspension. (a) That the aircraft were needed to move the strike force from Guatemala to Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua, for embarkation on the invasion ships; (b) that the Agency wished to avoid any incident, such as a plane being downed over Cuba, which might upset the course of events during the critical pre-invasion period.9 Three Cuban airfields were raided by eight B-26s on April 15th, and resulted in destroying about half of Castro's air force, which was estimated by post-strike photography. Attacks were not the only aspect of the invasion that was increasing. Propaganda efforts were increased. Before D-Day, Radio Swan as well as other propaganda outlets were broadcasting eighteen hours a day on medium wave, and sixteen hours a day on short wave. Immediately after D-Day, these totals were increased to 55 hours and 26 hours, receptively. Fourteen frequencies were used. By the time of the invasion a total of 12,000,000 pounds of leaflets had been dropped on Cuba. 10 Late on April 16th, the eve of D-Day, the air strikes planned to destroy the rest of Castro's air force were called off. The invasion fleet which had assembled off the south coast of Cuba on the night of 16 April included two LCIs owned by the Agency, a U.S. Navy LSD carrying three LCUs and four LCVPs, all of them pre-loaded with supplies, and even charted commercial freighters. All these craft participated in the assault phase, except for three freighters which were loaded with follow-up supplies for ground and air-forces. These vessels were armed with 50-caliber machine guns. In addition, each LCI mounted two 75-mm. Recoilless rifles. In addition to the personal weapons of the Cuban exile soldiers, the armament provided for combat included sufficient numbers of Browning automatic rifles, machine guns, mortars, recoilless rifles, rocket launchers, and flame-throwers. There were also five M-41 tanks, 12 heavy trucks, an aviation fuel tank truck, a tractor crane, a bulldozer, two large water trailers, and numerous small trucks and tractors. 11 A total of 1,511 men fought in the invasion, all of them were on the invasion ships, except for one airborne infantry company comprised of 177 men. The entire brigade included five infantry companies, one heavy weapons company, on intelligence-reconnaissance company, and one tank platoon. These troops had been moved by air on three successive nights from the Guatemala training camp to the staging area in Nicaragua where they embarked in the ships which had been pre-loaded at New Orleans. The ships had moved on separate courses from Nicaragua, under unobtrusive Navy escort, to the rendezvous 40 miles offshore in order to avoid the appearance of a convoy. From there they had moved in a column under cover of darkness to a point 5,000 yards to the landing area, where they met the Navy LSD. These complicated movements were apparently accomplished in a secure manner and without alerting the enemy. 12 Three follow-up ships were scheduled to arrive in Cuba, one from Nicaragua was supposed to come In conclusion, I think that the Inspector General Lymon Kirkpatrick was right when he said that the Central Intelligence Agency should have done more research on the Cubans' weaknesses and strengths before invading, so that the Central Intelligence Agency Western Hemisphere Division Branch Four could have possibly defeated the Fidel Castro regime of the Republic of Cuba. I think the United States should have also done more to help relations with the United Soviet Socialist Republic, because they may have helped out, since the Republic of Cuba was an ally, rather than fight the United States of America. That was not the end of tense moments between Cuba and the United Soviet Socialist Republic and the United States of America. For exactly two weeks beginning on October 15, the Cuban Missile Crisis existed. On October 15, a U-2 spy plane piloted by Richard Heyser revealed SS-4 nuclear missiles in Cuba all aimed at various points in the United States. The missile silos were disguised as trees, or at least the communists tried to disguise them as trees. On October 16, the next day, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was informed of this sighting during breakfast. He called a meeting of EX-COMM, his twelve most important advisors. According to EX-COMM, Khruschev would retaliate no matter what action they took. Still, Kennedy called a blockade to begin at 10 am Eastern Daylight Time on October 24th 1962. President John F. Kennedy was able to talk Khruschev into disabling the missiles on October 26th , but on October 27th, Khruschev demanded to renegotiate terms. On October 28th, 1962, Khruschev had agreed to remove all missiles from the Republic of Cuba. If the invasion at the Bay of Pigs had not happened Castro would not of let the USSR put the missiles in Cuba. Castro feared another invasion and that is why he did what he did. In the next several years, the CIA still had a tense time with the USSR, and the Republic of Cuba. In the internal memo Views of a Cuban Official on the future of Cuban-United States Relations, it says that the United States would be able to intervene without any consequences if the Vietnam War escalated and all the other powers concentrated on Vietnam, not Cuba. The United States Policy was to isolate Cuba from the rest of the free world on December 12th, 1963. The United States' plan was to replace the Castro regime and replace it with an administration that would be fully compatible with the United States of America. In the last analysis, however, there are only two courses which would eliminate the Castro regime at an early date: an invasion or a complete blockade. Both of these actions would result in a major crisis between the US and the USSR (in Cuba and/or Berlin) and would produce substantial strains in the fabric of US relations with other countries-allied as well as neutral. To a greater extent than in any of the courses discussed above, OAS support would be important, if not critical, in reducing the risks and in increasing the practical and political effect of an invasion or a blockade.13 This is described in Document 24, Cuba-A Status Report. Despite the embarrassment and danger of the Cuban Missile Crisis, I personally think that the United States Government should of stopped threatening Cuba and either declare war or shut-up. Instead, they almost caused a nuclear war by not backing up their word to help the exiles. I personally think Inspector General Lyman Kirkpatrick said it best in The Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation when he wrote, Furthermore, it is essential to keep in mind that the possibility of an invasion was doomed in advance, that an initially successful landing by 1,500 men would eventually have been crushed by Castro's combined military resources strengthened by Soviet Bloc-supplied military materiel. Endnotes 1. Kirkpatrick, Lyman. The Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation(Document) Released under the Freedom of Information Act, February 21, 1998 May-July 1960: The U-2 Airplane Incident 147. Editorial Note [Online] Available http://www.fas.org/irp/imint/doc_U2/frus_x1_147.htm 2. Kirkpatrick, Lyman. The Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation(Document) Released under the Freedom of Information Act, February 21, 1998 May-July 1960: The U-2 Airplane Incident 147. Editorial Note [Online] Available http://www.fas.org/irp/imint/doc_U2/frus_x1_147.htm 3. Soviet Charges of U.S. Violations of its airspace; March-June 1958 39. Editorial Note [Online] Available http://www.fas.org/irp/imint/doc_u2/frus_x1_030.htm The CIA on the CIA: Scathing View of Invasion The New York Times, New York, New York, February 22, 1998 4. The Exchange of Messages The New York Times, New York, New York, April 19,1961 Trumbull, Higgins, The Perfect Failure: Kennedy, Eisenhower, and the CIA at the Bay of Pigs. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York, New York, 1987. 5. Various Internal Memos from the CIA/EDRC Search [Online] Available http://www.foia.ucia.gov/frame3.htm 6. Kirkpatrick, Lyman. The Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation(Document) Released under the Freedom of Information Act, February 21, 1998 May-July 1960: The U-2 Airplane Incident 147. Editorial Note [Online] Available http://www.fas.org/irp/imint/doc_U2/frus_x1_147.htm 7. Soviet Charges of U.S. Violations of its airspace; March-June 1958 39. Editorial Note [Online] Available http://www.fas.org/irp/imint/doc_u2/frus_x1_030.htm The CIA on the CIA: Scathing View of Invasion The New York Times, New York, New York, February 22, 1998 8. Bay of Pigs Invasion http://www.accesspro.net/matchete/cuba/libre/bay.html 9. The Bay of Pigs by Gil Gunn http://www.noblesweb.org/cp4/LEGunn.html 10. The Bay of Pigs http://tqd.advanced.org/11046/days/bay_of_pigs.html 11. An overview of the Crisis http://tqd.advanced.org/11046/days/index.html 12. Causes of the Crisis http://tqd.advanced.org/11046/days/causes.html 13. Various Internal Memos from the CIA/EDRC Search [Online] Available http://www.foia.ucia.gov/frame3.htm **Bibliography** Bay of Pigs Invasion http://www.accesspro.net/matchete/cuba/libre/bay.html The Bay of Pigs by Gil Gunn http://www.noblesweb.org/cp4/LEGunn.html The Bay of Pigs http://tqd.advanced.org/11046/days/bay_of_pigs.html Causes of the Crisis http://tqd.advanced.org/11046/days/causes.html Causes of the Cuban Missile Crisis [Online Sound] Available http://hyperion.advanced.org/11046/briefing/causes_28.ram The CIA on the CIA: Scathing View of Invasion The New York Times, New York, New York, February 22, 1998 Cuban Missile Crisis [Online] Available http://hyperion.advanced.org/11046/briefing/index.html#begins Dickey, Christopher, Evan Thomas, Gregory L. Vistica, Bay of Pigs Redux Newsweek, New York, New York, March 23, 1998. The Exchange of Messages The New York Times, New York, New York, April 19, 1961 Trumbull, Higgins, The Perfect Failure: Kennedy, Eisenhower, and the CIA at the Bay of Pigs. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York, New York, 1987. Kirkpatrick, Lyman. The Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation(Document) Released under the Freedom of Information Act, February 21, 1998 May-July 1960: The U-2 Airplane Incident 147. Editorial Note [Online] Available http://www.fas.org/irp/imint/doc_U2/frus_x1_147.htm An overview of the Crisis http://tqd.advanced.org/11046/days/index.html Soviet Charges of U.S. Violations of its airspace; March-June 1958 39. Editorial Note [Online] Available http://www.fas.org/irp/imint/doc_u2/frus_x1_030.htm Various Internal Memos from the CIA/EDRC Search [Online] Available http://www.foia.ucia.gov/frame3.htm Words: 4182