Particle Systems

Fountains and such


I have updated code on the examples repo on github. Start by checking the status of your personal examples repo using git status and committing any local changes. Refer to git status help page for instructions, particularly on files that have been modified.

Next, fetch upstream changes. If you have committed local changes, merge conflicts should be minimal

[~]$ cd ~/cs40/examples
[examples]$ git fetch upstream
[examples]$ git merge upstream/master
[examples]$ git push

Open up a terminal and navigate to sphere directory in w07-particles. You will be creating a symlink to a folder containing texture map images for this code. You need to do this step before running make in your build directory.

[~]$ cd ~/cs40/examples/w07-particles
[w07-particles]$ ln -s /usr/local/doc/textures data

In a second terminal, navigate to the build folder and run make -j8 to get the w07-particles folder.

[~]$ cd ~/cs40/examples/build/
[build]$ make -j8
[build]$ cd w07-particles
[w07-particles]$ ./particles

Blending - the right way

See the Learn OpenGL article on blending for techniques on working with multiple transparent objects.