Particle Systems


Class startup

[~]$ cd ~/cs40/examples/
[examples]$ \cp -r ~adanner/public/cs40/examples/w08-particles ./
Edit examples/CMakeLists.txt to add the w08-particles subdirectory.

solution posted if you run the copy command above.

Add symlink to data directory in your build directory if you are not seeing the ball.png texture map.

[~]$ cd ~/cs40/examples/build/w08-particles
[build] ln -s /usr/local/doc/textures/ data


[~]$ cd ~/cs40/examples/
[examples]$ \cp -r ~adanner/public/cs40/examples/w09-cuda_pt1/ ./
Edit examples/CMakeLists.txt to add the w09-cuda_pt1 subdirectory.


[~]$ cd ~/cs40/examples/
[examples]$ \cp -r ~adanner/public/cs40/examples/w10-cuda_pt2/ ./
Edit examples/CMakeLists.txt to add the w10-cuda_pt2 subdirectory.