Classes and Object Oriented design
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More on printf
Last week, we talked a bit about printf. Some more usage patterns of printf can be found in cs35/class/w02-oop/print_test.cpp, including examples of printing strings with printf

Exercise: Compile and run print_test. Ask questions.

OOP in C++
Last week we wrote C++ code in the imperative style by breaking our code into functions. In the imperative style, variables are simply containers for holding data, while functions are the primary means of manipulating data. Functions only temporarily store data while the function is running. They do not retain data from one function call to the next.

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) on the other hand allows computer scientists to create objects that can both store information like a variable, but also manipulate information like a function. An object is a variable, but with a special type. Each object is an instance of some class. All objects of a particular class have similar behavior, but can store different data values.

Question: What might be some examples of classes/objects?

The general format of a class declaration is:

class <class name> {
    // private members, typically the data
    // public members, typically the methods
    // a method is just a function inside a class
};  // This semicolon is required
C++ uses private, public, and protected (ignore the last one for now, to control access to elements of a class. Public methods and data are accessible to anyone using the class, while private methods can only be used internally in the class.

C++ methods fall into four primary types:

Question: Can a method be of more than one of the types listed above?

an Example Class

Let's look at the example class in cs35/class/w02-oop/point. point.h is a header file. It describes the name and method signatures of the Point class, but does not say how the these methods are implemented. point.cpp implements the methods in the Point class. testpoint.cpp uses code from the Point class to run some basic tests. Let's see how these pieces fit together.

Preprocessor, compiler, linker, make

BankAccount Class
Look at cs35/class/w02-oop/account/bankacct.*. Build with make

Exercise: Add a deposit method. Note you will need to modify both .h and .cpp files. Test your changes.

Note that once you type quit, the account may display an improper balance. Why is this (Hint: read the comments in testacct.cpp). We will see how to fix this shortly, after we discuss inheritance in classes.
Sometimes we design a group of related classes that have similar properties. For example a Person object might contain an name and an age. Students and Faculty also have names and ages, but they have additional info as well. Can we somehow re-use code from a Person class in a Faculty class? Yes. This is called inheritance.
cd ~/cs35/classes/w02-oop/person/

[person]$ ls
faculty.cpp  Makefile    person.h     student.h        testPoly.cpp
faculty.h    person.cpp  student.cpp  testInherit.cpp

[person]$ make
g++ -c person.cpp
g++ -c student.cpp
g++ -c faculty.cpp
g++ -o testInherit person.o student.o faculty.o testInherit.cpp
g++ -o testPoly person.o student.o faculty.o testPoly.cpp

For now, ignore the keyword virtual. We'll use it a bit later.

In this example, the Person class is a base class, because other classes Student and Faculty build off of this base. Student and Faculty are derived classes.

Question: How do we inform the Student class that it should be derived from the Person class. What evidence is there in the .h header file? What about the .cpp source file?

Question: How can we call a base method from a derived class?

Exercise: Write code in testInherit.cpp to answer the questions at the end of the file and explore the relationship of derived and base classes. Discuss.

Exercise: Try writing your own derived class. You will need a .h and a .cpp file. You will also need to modify the Makefile to compile your new code. Add changes to testInherit.cpp to test your new class. Don't forget the #include. You may need to add the .o file to your Makefile to properly link your new class into testInherit.

Dynamic memory
Prepare to be confused. Ask questions liberally.

Alright, we put dynamic memory off long enough, it is time to dive into one of the more confusing topics of learning C++. But we have some motivation. There are some things we haven't fully explained so far.

Let's start by introducing pointers. So far, all our data types int, float, bool have been containers that hold data of varying size (You can use the sizeof(...) function to determine the size of a type in bytes.) The name of the variable referred to actual data, not a link to the data. C++ supports variable types that are links or pointers to data. A pointer type is a container that holds the address of a memory location where the base type is stored. The * is used to declare a pointer type.
int* x; //a pointer to an int
int *y; //same
int* w, z; // w is a pointer to an int, z is an int.

Person* p; // A pointer to a person object
Pointers can give us more control over the use of memory in a program. Every pointer is just an address. Addresses are all the same size (8 bytes or 64 bits these days). For most objects, a pointer to an object is much smaller than the object itself. We can delay allocating space for an object until we need to use it. Objects are dynamically allocated using the new operator. Objects allocated by new must be de-allocated eventually using delete. Failure to delete dynamically allocated data results in a memory leak. Leaks are frowned upon.
int* arry; //A pointer to the start of an array
Person* p; 

arry = new int[20]; //dynamically allocate a new array of 20 ints
p = new Person("Terrelle", 21);

delete p;       //delete an object
delete [] arry; //delete an array
Pointers can also be used to make changes to variables in functions visible outside the scope of the function. Look at pointers.cpp in cs35/class/w02-oop for some examples. Note that if we have an object or base type, we can get the address of that object using the & operator. If x is a foo type, then &x is a pointer to a foo object. If p is a pointer to a foo object (type foo*), then *p is the object (of type foo) pointed to by p.

Exercise: examine the code in pointers.cpp what are the types of all the expressions in the first block of printfs, e.g., what is the type of q, *q, and *(&i)?

Exercise: Look at the two swap functions. How are they different? Why does one work and the other one break? Keep in mind that in this course, C++ functions are always pass by value. What are the types of each value passed into each function?

Look at class/w02-oop/person/testPoly.cpp to see how pointers are used with objects. Note that we can call a method directly on a pointer to an object using the -> notation. Note the use of new and delete. We'll discuss the virtual bit if we have time on Thursday, or in lab on Friday.

It takes time to get used to pointers. Feel free to ask plenty of questions.