CS35 Lab1: Introduction to C++

Due 11:59pm Wednesday, January 27th

The goal of this lab is to gain more comfort with C++ functions and arrays. We will practice using arrays to process a list of numbers in various ways. A skeleton version the program will appear in your cs35/labs/01 directory when you run update35. The program handin35 will only submit files in this directory. In later labs you can work with a partner, but for this lab you should work on your own.


For this lab you will prompt the user to enter a series of integers in a given range. Then you will perform some statistical analyses on the data and report the results. The most common statistical measure is the mean, which is simply the average. Another useful measure is the standard deviation, which provides an indication of how much the individual values in the data differ from the mean. A small standard deviation indicates that the data is tightly clustered. A large standard deviation indicates that the data is widespread. Finally, a histogram is a graphical way of summarizing the data by dividing it into separate ranges and then indicating how many data values fall into each range. Here is a sample run of a program that performs these three statistical analyses:

This program calculates statistics on a set of given data.
It calculates the mean, standard deviation, and prints a 
histogram of the values.

Enter integers in the range 0-100 to be stored, -1 to end.
> 90
> 89
> 97
> 95
> 123
Invalid value, try again.
> 84
> 71
> 78
> 88
> 82
> 100
> 55
> -1
Read in 11 valid values.

Mean: 84.455

Standard deviation: 12.324

   0 -    9: 
  10 -   19: 
  20 -   29: 
  30 -   39: 
  40 -   49: 
  50 -   59: *
  60 -   69: 
  70 -   79: **
  80 -   89: ****
  90 -   99: ***
 100 -  100: *
Program Requirements
Develop your program incrementally. Create a main function first. Declare the array that will hold the data here and pass it to the functions for processing. Add the required functions one at a time, testing each one by calling it from main. Remember that you will need to declare the functions above main and then define them below main. Once you are convinced that a function is correct, move on to the next required function.
If you run update35 you will get a w02-oop/print_test.cpp file that gives some sample usage of printf and cout for formatting output nicely. You can also read more about printf online.
Once you are satisfied with your code, hand it in by typing handin35. This will copy the code from your cs35/labs/01 to my grading directory. You may run handin35 as many times as you like, and only the most recent submission will be recorded.