This homework will require that you be able to perform some basic Unix commands. Although this material will not be formally taught in class, there will be a "Using Unix" class this Wednesday evening taught by Meggie Ladlow, one of the student system administrators. The class will be held during the regularly scheduled Wednesday study sessions (7-9 pm, Science Center 252). You are strongly encouraged to attend this session. If you have scheduling problems, you can receive some assistance at the Sunday evening study session (also 7-9 pm, Sci Ctr 252), but there will be no formal class on Sunday evening.
You will need to be familiar with the following concepts and commands in order to complete this homework:
To begin the assignment, open a Terminal window. You do
this by clicking on the black square in the center of the
toolbar or by clicking
on the XFCE menu button
and then choosing "Terminal". When the
Terminal window opens, you will see the shell prompt which
will look something like this:
In the above prompt, lemon is the name of the machine you are working on, so this may be different for you if you are working on a different machine.
Once you have a Terminal window open, type update21 and press enter. The update21 command will create directories in your account and copy files from the "CS21 Library" into these directories. You should get in the habit of running update21 every time you come to class and before you begin homework assignments to be sure that your library of files is up to date.
The remainder of the homework description will have a much less explanatory information in it. It is assumed that you either already know how to do the things its asking you to do (which is unlikely) or that you will learn this in the Using Unix session on Wednesday evening.
Remember, you are not expected to know how to do any of these commands; however, you will learn how to do all of this (and more!) by attending the Wednesday evening study session on Using Unix.