Running update21 and handin21

You will use update21 to get the starting point for each lab assignment in this class and you will submit your solutions using handin21.

Running update21

Before starting each lab assignment, run update21. It will create a new subdirectory named the current lab number in your cs21/labs/ subdirectory, and may additionally copy over some starting point files into this directory:
  $ update21
  Creating /home/tnas/cs21/labs
  Creating /home/tnas/cs21/labs/00
  Adding /home/tnas/cs21/labs/00/bio.txt

You should work from within this subdirectory on all your lab 00 (or the appropriate lab number) assignments:

  $ cd
  $ cd cs21/labs/00
  $ pwd
  $ vim bio.txt

If I run update21 before starting lab 1, I'd see the following:

  $ update21
  Creating /home/tnas/cs21/labs/01
Then when I worked on my lab 1 assignments, I'd make sure I was working from within my cs21/labs/01 subdirecory:
   $ cd
   $ cd cs21/labs/01
   $ pwd
   $ vim

Running handin21

When you are ready to submit your solutions to the current lab assignment, run handin21 (you can run it from anywhere). handin21 needs to be set up by to submit each assignment, so if you do not see something like the example run below, it may not be set up correctly. Please email me to let me know that there are problems with handin21. I should have it set up at least 3 or 4 days before a given lab assignment is due.

An example run of handin21:

********* HW01:  (cs21/labs/01) -- due by 11:59 pm, TUESDAY Sept 9 *********

Hi Tia:

This program allows you to turn in your labs and assignments.
Enter 'h' to hand in labs and assignments
Enter 'v' to view the files you have turned in
Enter 'q' to quit

handin> h
You are turning in HW 01 in cs21/labs/01.

The following files will be turned in:

Enter 'h' to hand in labs and assignments
Enter 'v' to view the files you have turned in
Enter 'q' to quit

handin> v

Tia, you have turned in the following files:

  labs 01:
      09/05/2008 14:04   ->  
      09/05/2008 14:04   ->  

Enter 'h' to hand in labs and assignments
Enter 'v' to view the files you have turned in
Enter 'q' to quit

handin> q
You can run handin21 multiple times before the due date of the assignment. handin21 access will be cut off after the due date, so make sure to submit your lab assignments prior to the due date even if they are not complete.