$ python >>> import lab08 >>> help(lab08) NAME lab08 DESCRIPTION Sample solution for lab 08 Author: A.Danner Date: 11 November 2009 You may use this solution or your own solution for lab 09 These solutions may only be used for the purposed of completed lab 09 and should not be publicly shared FUNCTIONS citySearch(ls, city, state) Search a list of zip code entries for a specific city, state pair using linear search ls: list of zip info entries city: a city (string) state: a two letter state abbreviation (upper case string) return: list index of matching zip entry or -1 if not found citySearch uses linear search, so ls does not need to be sorted getValidZip(ziplist) Repeatedly prompt the user to enter a valid zipcode that has an entry in the list of all zipcodes, ziplist ziplist: A list of zipcode entries sorted by zip code return: A single zipcode entry for a valid location in the form [zip, lat, long, city, county, state, pop] (list) readZips(fname) Read a file of comma separate zipcode entries entries and return a list of zipcode info. fname: file name (string) of zipcode file file must have format zip,lat,long,city,county,state,population return: a list of zipcode info lists each item in the list has the following format [zip, lat, long, city, county, state, population] lat and long should be floats population should be and integer all other fields including zip should be strings selectSort(ls, idx) Sort a list of items, where each item is itself a list. The list should be sorted using the entry in position idx in each list item ls: a list of list items idx: the index of each list item to sort on return: nothing, but modifies the list 'in place' swap(ls, i, j) Swap the item in position i in the list ls with the item at position j return: nothing, but ls should be modified zipSearch(ls, zipcode) Search a list ls sorted by ZIPcode for a specific zip ls: list of zip info lists zipcode: a zipcode (string) return: list index of matching zip entry or -1 if not found