An example run of the game that is lost because the user choses
option 3 and does not correctly guess the puzzle:
Guess letters in the mystery phrase and win big $$$$.
At each turn, you can choose to do one of the following
if you spin a:
a. dollar amount: you then guess a consonant.
if the letter is in the phrase, add to your earnings the
dollar amount times the number of occurances of the letter
in the phrase
b. BANKRUPT: you lose all your earnings so far and lose the game
2. BUY A VOWEL: vowels cost $250 of your earnings
if you guess correctly you win your total earnings
if you guess incorectly, you lose the game and earn nothing
4. QUIT THE GAME: and forfeit all your earnings
PHRASE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 0
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $500
Enter a consonant guess: t
Good Guess! T is in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ t , _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 1500
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $500
Enter a consonant guess: T
Hey, you already guessed T Try again...
Enter a consonant guess: a
Hey, A is a vowel. Try again...
Enter a consonant guess: hello
Hey, hello isn't a single letter. Try again...
Enter a consonant guess: 9
Hey, 9 isn't a letter. Try again...
Enter a consonant guess: r
Sorry, R is not in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ t , _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 1500
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $650
Enter a consonant guess: s
Good Guess! S is in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ _ t _ _ s _ _ _ t , _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 2150
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $800
Enter a consonant guess: e
Hey, E is a vowel. Try again...
Enter a consonant guess: p
Sorry, P is not in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ _ t _ _ s _ _ _ t , _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 2150
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 2
Enter a vowel guess: a
Sorry, A is not in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ _ t _ _ s _ _ _ t , _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 1900
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 2
Enter a vowel guess: e
Sorry, E is not in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ _ t _ _ s _ _ _ t , _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 1650
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 2
Enter a vowel guess: E
Hey, you already guessed E Try again...
Enter a vowel guess: p
Hey, P is not a vowel. Try again...
Hey, you already guessed P Try again...
Enter a vowel guess: i
Good Guess! I is in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ _ t _ _ s i _ _ t , _ _ t _ _ _ i _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 1400
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 2
Enter a vowel guess: o
Good Guess! O is in the puzzle
PHRASE: O _ t o _ s i _ _ t , o _ t o _ _ i _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 1150
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 2
Enter a vowel guess: u
Good Guess! U is in the puzzle
PHRASE: O u t o _ s i _ _ t , o u t o _ _ i _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 900
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 2
You have already guessed all vowels.
Pick another menu option.
PHRASE: O u t o _ s i _ _ t , o u t o _ _ i _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 900
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $500
Enter a consonant guess: g
Good Guess! G is in the puzzle
PHRASE: O u t o _ s i g _ t , o u t o _ _ i _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 1400
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 3
Enter your guess for the puzzle below:
out of signs, out of mind
Sorry, you did not win this time. The phrase was:
Out of sight, out of mind
A sample run where the player loses due to spinning BANKRUPT:
$ python
Guess letters in the mystery phrase and win big $$$$.
At each turn, you can choose to do one of the following
if you spin a:
a. dollar amount: you then guess a consonant.
if the letter is in the phrase, add to your earnings the
dollar amount times the number of occurances of the letter
in the phrase
b. BANKRUPT: you lose all your earnings so far and lose the game
2. BUY A VOWEL: vowels cost $250 of your earnings
if you guess correctly you win your total earnings
if you guess incorectly, you lose the game and earn nothing
4. QUIT THE GAME: and forfeit all your earnings
PHRASE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 0
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $700
Enter a consonant guess: r
Sorry, R is not in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 0
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $800
Enter a consonant guess: t
Good Guess! T is in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ _ t _ t _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 2400
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $550
Enter a consonant guess: e
Hey, E is a vowel. Try again...
Enter a consonant guess: r
Hey, you already guessed R Try again...
Enter a consonant guess: 9
Hey, 9 isn't a letter. Try again...
Enter a consonant guess: m
Good Guess! M is in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ _ t _ t _ _ _ _ t _ m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 2950
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: BANKRUPT
Sorry, you did not win this time. The phrase was:
A stitch in time saves nine
A example run where the user wins by guessing every letter in the
phrase (and buying every vowel in the phrase):
Guess letters in the mystery phrase and win big $$$$.
At each turn, you can choose to do one of the following
if you spin a:
a. dollar amount: you then guess a consonant.
if the letter is in the phrase, add to your earnings the
dollar amount times the number of occurances of the letter
in the phrase
b. BANKRUPT: you lose all your earnings so far and lose the game
2. BUY A VOWEL: vowels cost $250 of your earnings
if you guess correctly you win your total earnings
if you guess incorectly, you lose the game and earn nothing
4. QUIT THE GAME: and forfeit all your earnings
PHRASE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 0
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 2
Sorry, you do not have enough money to buy a vowel
PHRASE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 0
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: t
Hey, t isn't a valid option. Try again...
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $800
Enter a consonant guess: t
Good Guess! T is in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 1600
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $450
Enter a consonant guess: p
Sorry, P is not in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 1600
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $500
Enter a consonant guess: r
Good Guess! R is in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 2600
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $350
Enter a consonant guess: s
Good Guess! S is in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ s t _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ r s _ _ _ _ s s
Your winnings so far: $ 4000
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 2
Enter a vowel guess: e
Good Guess! E is in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ s t _ _ e _ _ t _ e r s _ _ _ _ s s
Your winnings so far: $ 3750
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $600
Enter a consonant guess: a
Hey, A is a vowel. Try again...
Enter a consonant guess: 1
Hey, 1 isn't a letter. Try again...
Enter a consonant guess: o
Hey, O is a vowel. Try again...
Enter a consonant guess: o
Hey, O is a vowel. Try again...
Enter a consonant guess: r
Hey, you already guessed R Try again...
Enter a consonant guess: m
Good Guess! M is in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ s t _ _ e _ _ t _ e r s _ _ m _ s s
Your winnings so far: $ 4350
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $550
Enter a consonant guess: m
Hey, you already guessed M Try again...
Enter a consonant guess: n
Good Guess! N is in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ r _ _ _ _ n _ s t _ n e _ _ t _ e r s n _ m _ s s
Your winnings so far: $ 6000
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $350
Enter a consonant guess: l
Good Guess! L is in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ r _ l l _ n _ s t _ n e _ _ t _ e r s n _ m _ s s
Your winnings so far: $ 6700
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $550
Enter a consonant guess: g
Good Guess! G is in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ r _ l l _ n g s t _ n e g _ t _ e r s n _ m _ s s
Your winnings so far: $ 7800
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 2
Enter a vowel guess: a
Good Guess! A is in the puzzle
PHRASE: A r _ l l _ n g s t _ n e g a t _ e r s n _ m _ s s
Your winnings so far: $ 7550
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 2
Enter a vowel guess: o
Good Guess! O is in the puzzle
PHRASE: A r o l l _ n g s t o n e g a t _ e r s n o m o s s
Your winnings so far: $ 7300
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $650
Enter a consonant guess: h
Good Guess! H is in the puzzle
PHRASE: A r o l l _ n g s t o n e g a t h e r s n o m o s s
Your winnings so far: $ 7950
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 2
Enter a vowel guess: i
Good Guess! I is in the puzzle
You won 7700 dollars!!! For guessing this phrase:
A rolling stone gathers no moss
Winning by chosing option 3 and guessing the puzzle.
Guess letters in the mystery phrase and win big $$$$.
At each turn, you can choose to do one of the following
if you spin a:
a. dollar amount: you then guess a consonant.
if the letter is in the phrase, add to your earnings the
dollar amount times the number of occurances of the letter
in the phrase
b. BANKRUPT: you lose all your earnings so far and lose the game
2. BUY A VOWEL: vowels cost $250 of your earnings
if you guess correctly you win your total earnings
if you guess incorectly, you lose the game and earn nothing
4. QUIT THE GAME: and forfeit all your earnings
PHRASE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 0
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $550
Enter a consonant guess: h
Good Guess! H is in the puzzle
PHRASE: _ h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h _ _ _ h _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 1650
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $200
Enter a consonant guess: t
Good Guess! T is in the puzzle
PHRASE: T h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t _ h _ _ t h _ _ _ _ _
Your winnings so far: $ 2250
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $700
Enter a consonant guess: r
Good Guess! R is in the puzzle
PHRASE: T h _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ t _ h _ _ t h _ _ _ r _
Your winnings so far: $ 4350
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $100
Enter a consonant guess: s
Good Guess! S is in the puzzle
PHRASE: T h _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ t _ h _ s t h _ _ _ r _
Your winnings so far: $ 4450
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: a
Hey, a isn't a valid option. Try again...
Enter your choice: s
Hey, s isn't a valid option. Try again...
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $1000
Enter a consonant guess: s
Hey, you already guessed S Try again...
Enter a consonant guess: n
Sorry, N is not in the puzzle
PHRASE: T h _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ t _ h _ s t h _ _ _ r _
Your winnings so far: $ 4450
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $300
Enter a consonant guess: g
Sorry, G is not in the puzzle
PHRASE: T h _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ t _ h _ s t h _ _ _ r _
Your winnings so far: $ 4450
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $50
Enter a consonant guess: m
Good Guess! M is in the puzzle
PHRASE: T h _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ t _ h _ s t h _ _ _ r m
Your winnings so far: $ 4500
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $700
Enter a consonant guess: f
Sorry, F is not in the puzzle
PHRASE: T h _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ t _ h _ s t h _ _ _ r m
Your winnings so far: $ 4500
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 1
Your spin is: $600
Enter a consonant guess: w
Good Guess! W is in the puzzle
PHRASE: T h _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ t _ h _ s t h _ w _ r m
Your winnings so far: $ 5100
What do you want to do next?
1. Spin the Wheel
2. Buy a Vowel
3. Guess the Puzzle
4. Quit, I can't stand this game anymore!
Enter your choice: 3
Enter your guess for the puzzle below:
the early bird catches the worm
You won 5100 dollars!!! For guessing this phrase:
The early bird catches the worm