Run update21, if you haven't already, to create the
cs21/labs/04. Then cd into your cs21/labs/04
directory and create the python programs for lab 4 in this directory
(handin21 looks for your lab 4 assignments in your cs21/labs/04 directory):
$ update21
$ cd cs21/labs/04
$ pwd
Your programs are graded on both correctness and style. Please review
the comments regarding programming style on the main page.
1. Drawing a face
Open a file and create a program that draws a
face using the graphics library. Here are some guidelines to
Your program should keep the drawn face on the graphics window until
the user clicks the mouse. Then the graphics window should close and
your program should end.
Use color and several different types of shapes.
For symmetrical features (such as eyes or ears), remember to use the
clone method to make a copy of the original shape. Then
draw the cloned shape in the window and move it to
the desired location.
You may want to use the setCoords method of the
GraphWin object to adjust the coordinates of the window. You
can read about this method on page 152 of the textbook.
Be creative! For inspiration, here are two example faces from previous
cs21 students Madeleine Abromowitz and Edward Kim.
2. Drawing a car with mouse clicks
Open a file and create a program that draws a
car into positions in the graphics window determined by the user's
mouse clicks as follows:
The first two clicks will indicate the opposite corners of the
rectangular body of the car. The first click should be the lower
left corner and the second click should be the upper right corner.
The third click will indicate the center of the top edge of a
rectangular roof of the car. The roof should have a total width that is
one third of the width of the car body. The sides of the roof portion
of the car should extend down to the top of the car body.
The fourth click will indicate the center of one circular
car wheel, the fifth click will indicate the width (radius) of the wheel.
The sixth click will indicate the center of the other circular
car wheel, the seventh click will indicate the width (radius) of the wheel.
Be sure to include a
Text box at the bottom of the graphics
window to explain each step to the user of your program so that s/he
knows what the next mouse click means.
Below is an example of the output that might be produced by this
program. Feel free to choose your own color scheme and to make
your car parts (body, roof, and wheels) to be more interesting than
mine. They should, however, consist of these basic parts (rectangular
body and roof, and two circular tires).
As you solve this problem, keep in mind that the point of the mouse click
is not always an (x,y) coordinate that you can directly use to create
the object. For example, you may need to shift the (x,y) coordinate values
by some amount or you may need to use the distance formula to find the
distance between two (x,y) coordinate values.
Once you have completed the above requirements, add an animated feature
to the scene. Some ideas could be a cloud that drifts across the screen,
the car driving out of the screen, an animal or person that moves through
the screen, ...
Here are window dumps from parts of a run of my solution:
Once you are satisfied with your programs, hand them in by typing
handin21 in a terminal window.