[~]$ cd [~]$ cd cs21/inclass/If the w09-recursion directory does not yet exist, create it using mkdir
[inclass]$ mkdir w09-recursionCopy the sample files for today from my directory using cp
[inclass]$ cp ~adanner/public/cs21/w09-recursion/* w09-recursion/ [inclass]$ ls w01-intro/ w02-numAndString/ w03-decisions/ w04-graphics/ w05-functions/ w06-loops/ w09-recursion/ [inclass]$ cd w09-recursion/ [w09-recursion]$ ls binarySearch.py [w09-recursion]$
Write a function swap(ls, i, j) that swaps the items in positions i and j in the list ls. We will use this function to implement selectSort(ls).
How many steps does this take? How much longer would selection sort take if we doubled the size of the list?