Decision structures

In class exercises
Lab 04 and solutions for today's exercises have been posted to update21. Run update21 at the command prompt to get these updates
$ update21
Creating /home/adas/cs21/solutions/w04-graphics
  Adding /home/adas/cs21/solutions/w04-graphics/
  Adding /home/adas/cs21/solutions/w04-graphics/
Change into your inclass directory.
[~]$ cd
[~]$ cd cs21/inclass/
[inclass]$ ls
w01-intro/  w02-numAndString/  w03-decisions/ w04-graphics/
If the w04-graphics directory does not yet exist, create it using mkdir
[inclass]$ mkdir w04-graphics
Copy the sample files for today from my directory using cp
[inclass]$ cp ~adanner/public/cs21/w04-graphics/* w04-graphics/
[inclass]$ ls
w01-intro/  w02-numAndString/  w03-decisions/ w04-graphics/
[inclass]$ cd w04-graphics/
[w04-graphics]$ ls
Shifty Circles
The first program we will look at is