Using Unix Home Using Unix 1 Using Unix 2 Using Unix 3



  • Directories -- analogous to folders in Windows or OS X
  • Subdirectories -- analogous to subfolders Windows or OS X
  • Highest directory is "/"

Filesystem Commands

  • ls: lists the contents of a directory
  • cd [directory_path]: “goes into” a directory
  • mkdir [dir_name]: makes a new directory
  • rmdir [dir_name]: removes a directory
  • touch [file_name]: creates an empty file

It's Your Turn 1

Goal: to set up a directory with two files

  • Make a directory called "cs21"
  • Go into "cs21"
  • Create a new dir called "hw01"
  • Create a new dir called "hw02"
  • List the contents of "cs21"

Time Savers

cd takes you back to your home directory (back to /home/username)
cd .. takes you one directory up
cd - takes you back to the directory you were just at
pwd prints the working directory; tells you where you are

~ is a shorthand for home directories
cd ~ is equivalent to cd /home/your_home_dir
cd ~jk is equivalent to cd /home/jk

Tab completion: hitting the TAB key will complete the name of the file or directory for you; tabbing twice will produce a list of possible filenames if more than one exists.


It's Your Turn 2

Goal: to explore the cd command; to go into a specific folder

In "cs21"

  • Print the working directory
  • In "cs21", make a new directory called "usingunix"
  • Go into "usingunix"
  • Type cd
  • Where do you end up? (Print the working directory)
  • Get to "usingunix" again
  • Type cd ..
  • Where do you end up? (Print the working directory)
  • List the contents of the /scratch/usingunix directory in the long format.

Filesystem Commands

mv [file1] [file2] : renames a file
cp [file1] [file2] : copy the contents of one file to another file (copy)
rm [file] : remove a file

It's Your Turn 3

Goal: to manipulate files using mv, cp and rm.
  • In your "cs21" dir, rename "usingunix" to be "UsingUnix"
  • copy the files from /scratch/usingunix into your UsingUnix dir
  • List the contents of the directory
  • view the contents of a file with less filename

Smart Programming: make backup versions of your work with cp