>>---------- Forwarded message ---------
>>From: Garth Griffin <g at gigasheet.co>
>>Date: Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 10:51 AM
>>Subject: Swarthmore alums at a startup
>>My name is Garth Griffin. I'm a Swat CS alum class of '09. Last year I
>>co-founded a startup called Gigasheet (gigasheet.co) and we have since
>>hired another Swat CS alum, Adam Yie '09. I'm writing because we are hiring
>>again, we'd love to have yet more Swatties on the team, and I thought that
>>some CS seniors might be excited about the chance to join a startup with
>>two Swat CS alums. Our open jobs are listed here
>>https://www.gigasheet.co/jobs or folks are welcome to just email me at
>>g at gigasheet.co .