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From: Katie Price <kprice1 at swarthmore.edu>
Date: Fri, May 21, 2021 at 1:14 PM
Subject: Paid Internship with Eviction Lab (remote) for *This Summer*

Dear Colleagues,

I am reaching out in regards to a late-breaking summer opportunity for
a *current
Swarthmore student *(i.e. *not *a graduating senior) and thought you may
know students who would be interested and strong fits.

This is a *pilot year of a partnership the Lang Center is exploring with
the Eviction Lab at Princeton <https://evictionlab.org/>* in hopes of
providing more engaged scholarship opportunities for students in computer
and qualitative sciences more generally and big data and social change work
more specifically. This student would be funded by the *Robbins/Chang Big
Data/Social Change Lang Center Internship*.

Here is a bit more about the opportunity:

A Research Assistant is needed to assist with various tasks related to data
collection  and research on housing and mobility in the United States. The
Research Assistant  will gain experience working on a team of full-time
researchers as well as other student  Research Assistants, and will be
directly supervised by Dr. Carl Gershenson. Skills relevant to the position
may include *any combination of the following: knowledge  of a programming
language, web scraping, interviewing, quantitative analysis, qualitative
research, literature reviews, or fluency in Spanish. *We are interested in
working with both  qualitative and quantitative researchers. This position
may be of particular interest to students  who are interested in pursuing a
graduate degree or a research position at a think tank or  non-profit

The opportunity is full-time and fully remote from *June 21-August 27 *and
comes with a* $4800 stipend*.

*To apply, students should email Katie Price (kprice1 at swarthmore.edu
<kprice1 at swarthmore.edu>) a current copy of their resume as an attachment
no later than June 2. Please put "Eviction Lab" in the subject line. *

Please feel free to forward this opportunity to any students that come to
mind and do not have current summer plans.

Thanks for your time, and wishing you all enjoyable summers,

Katie L. Price, PhD
Associate Director, Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility
Visiting Assistant Professor (by appointment)
Lang Center 201 | kprice1 at swarthmore.edu
Office Hours for Summer Grantees | M 1-2, T 2-3, H 1-2
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