---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dan Amato <damato at digitalartefacts.com>
Date: Tue, May 18, 2021 at 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: Job Opportunities for Swat CS Grads
To: Lisa Meeden <lisa.meeden at gmail.com>
Cc: Tia Newhall <newhall at cs.swarthmore.edu>, Lisa Meeden <
meeden at cs.swarthmore.edu>

Good morning!

I finally got my hands on that job description. Let me know if anyone is



On Mon, May 17, 2021 at 12:36 PM Lisa Meeden <lisa.meeden at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dan,
> I too missed your email--was likely in spam but I didn't catch it before
> deleting it.
> It's great to hear from you, and nice to know that you're back in Iowa (my
> home state).  My parents moved to the Twin Cities though, so the only time
> I go back to Iowa is for Grinnell reunions.
> If you send us a job description we can post it on our job-opps list for
> CS Swatties.
> Take care!  -Lisa
> On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 3:12 PM Tia Newhall <newhall at cs.swarthmore.edu>
> wrote:
>> hi Dan,
>> It is so nice to hear from you!   I just found your email in my spam
>> folder (which I don't always check so I'm glad I found it!)
>> I'll send you a longer reply later this week or early next week when my
>> crazy schedule winds down a bit.  But thanks for sending the photos of your
>> adorable family!   What a big change since we last spoke.  Time flies.
>> Tia
>> -------------------------------
>> Tia Newhall
>> Professor, Computer Science Dept
>> Swarthmore College
>> www.cs.swarthmore.edu/~newhall
>> pronouns: she/her
>> On Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 3:55 PM Dan Amato <damato at digitalartefacts.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello to my favorite professors!
>>> I apologize for being out of touch for so long! I hope this message
>>> finds you both well, despite the global pandemic.
>>> For myself, things have been going well. I'm settled back in Iowa City,
>>> IA after returning to Boston for a few years. I ended up getting married in
>>> 2016 and now I have a 16 year old stepson, and two little boys, who are
>>> coming up on 4 and 2. We're expecting the final addition to our family,
>>> (the girl my wife has been waiting for!), in October. I attached some
>>> pictures to add some cute babies to your Friday afternoon :)
>>> Work-wise, I've been at this company called Digital Artefacts for 6
>>> years now. We're working on growing our team, and I suggested reaching out
>>> to the Swarthmore CS department to see if you have any upcoming graduates
>>> that may be interested in our work. The alumni office requested information
>>> about networking opportunities, so maybe it's more appropriate to interface
>>> with them, but I wanted to check in with the people I know in the
>>> department first.
>>> Our primary focus is a platform called BrainBaseline that gathers
>>> cognitive assessment data on mobile apps and reports that data to
>>> researchers running studies on some of the big name cognitive disorders,
>>> eg. Parkinson's Disease, ALS, Ataxia, or complications from cancer and HIV
>>> treatments. This platform has several components, which provide
>>> opportunities to explore several areas of tech interest.
>>> The subject-facing mobile apps are primarily iOS apps, although we've
>>> also supported cross-platform iOS / Android builds via ReactNative. A new
>>> initiative is bringing our cognitive assessments to the Apple Watch. (Our
>>> iOS / WatchOS codebase is currently in Objective-C, but if you have any
>>> Swift-enthusiasts, we're looking to modernize some systems). We also have a
>>> web build of the cognitive assessments that run in React, but this is used
>>> more rarely.
>>> The backend is a server written in python and utilizing the Pyramid
>>> framework. The server manages a big postgres database and we use sqlAlchemy
>>> to interface with it. The server also hosts some React web pages where the
>>> researchers can view the subject data. Ultimately, we would like to expand
>>> this research dashboard and add some machine learning capabilities to help
>>> the researchers parse the data and generate insights. The server is
>>> deployed to AWS using a Kubernetes cluster and Docker containers.
>>> We also do some other miscellaneous contracts, notably with the Howard
>>> Hughes Medical Institute to develop free education materials for teachers.
>>> These have been done either in React web apps or the Unity game engine.
>>> I really like working here because there are always opportunities to
>>> learn new things. And we get to help with the development of treatments for
>>> some nasty diseases, even if we're only a small cog in the big machine of a
>>> clinical trial process. We've got a talented team of senior engineers, and
>>> we're ready to mentor some juniors and build our team.
>>> Our VP of engineering is still working on composing the job posts, but I
>>> will get them to you shortly if you have anyone that may be interested in
>>> speaking with us. We've also gone fully remote since the pandemic started,
>>> so relocation to Iowa City is not required (although we'd welcome the
>>> company, and I think fully-vaccinated local employees are going to start
>>> having a weekly lunch soon).
>>> Please let me know if you need any more info, or just want to catch up a
>>> bit!
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dan Amato, '07
>>> P.S. Here are some links relevant to our work, if you're interested in
>>> perusing:
>>> BrainBaseline:
>>> https://www.digitalartefacts.com
>>> https://www.brainbaseline.com
>>> https://watchpdstudy.org
>>> HHMI:
>>> https://www.biointeractive.org/classroom-resources/biomeviewer
>>> https://apps.apple.com/us/app/earthviewer/id590208430
>>> https://www.biointeractive.org/classroom-resources/exploring-biomass-pyramids
>>> DriveELD:
>>> https://www.drive-eld.com
> --
> Professor
> Computer Science Department
> Swarthmore College
> www.cs.swarthmore.edu/~meeden

Computer Science Department
Swarthmore College
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