On Mon, May 03, 2021 at 03:07:43PM -0700, Joanna Shan wrote:
>>Hi Swarthmore Computer Science Department!
>>I'm Joanna Shan, a sophomore at Penn. Last summer, I worked with a team of my peers to create Connect-In-Place (connectinplace.org <https://www.connectinplace.org/>), a free virtual program for middle and high schoolers where college students teach classes ranging from coding to Bollywood dance to stress management! 
>>We're currently recruiting college student instructors for our two summer 2021 sessions (June 14 - July 9 and July 12 - August 6). I was wondering if you would be willing to send along a flyer to students in your department who may be interested in working with us as instructors — more instructors means more free classes for students around the world! So far, we’ve served 2,500+ youth in classes led by 200+ instructors, and we’re looking to scale our impact further. A potential email blurb is below:
>>"Connect-In-Place (connectinplace.org <http://connectinplace.org/>) is a free virtual program for middle and high schoolers, with college students teaching classes ranging from coding to Bollywood dance to stress management. 
>>CIP is currently recruiting college student instructors for two summer 2021 sessions. So far, CIP has served 2,500+ youth in classes led by 200+ instructors, and is looking to scale their impact further.
>>If you're interested in teaching a course this summer, the session dates are as follows:
>>Session 1: June 14 - July 9 
>>Session 2: July 12 - August 6
>>Instructor interest form: tinyurl.com/cip-sl-21 <http://tinyurl.com/cip-sl-21>
>>Applications are currently open, and interviews end May 10!"
>>Thank you for any help you can provide in getting the news out about our program! :-)
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