Hi all,

Please see below if you are potentially interested in (or even just curious
about!) doing research on topics in theoretical CS.

Prof. Bill Gaserch (University of Maryland) will be giving a talk geared to
Trico students to provide more detailed information. This will take place
next Monday (Feb 22nd) 7:00-8:30PM. Prof. Gasarch runs an NSF funded REU
(Research Experience for Undergraduate Students) program
<http://www.cs.umd.edu/projects/reucaar/>, and Swarthmore has a good
history of students participating in and succeeding at this particular REU.

OKAY we are all set for
> Monday Feb 22, 7:00-8:30PM
> With my zoom
> https://umd.zoom.us/my/gasarch
> and my phone number in case they need to be admitted to the room and I
> don't
> notice
> (301) 503-3157.
> (My school has it so that non-UMCP people have to be admitted, and I admit
> them, and its not a big deal, but sometimes I don't notice that someone
> needs to
> get in.)

Spencer Caplan
Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Swarthmore College
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