---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Sydney Covitz <sydney.covitz at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 6:39 PM
Subject: Data Analyst position available on my team at PennMedicine
To: Meeden, Lisa <lisa.meeden at gmail.com>


I hope you are doing ok in these crazy times. I just wanted to reach out
because my boss, Ted Satterthwaite, is looking to hire another Data Analyst
for his lab's Neuroinformatics Team. This is the team I currently work on,
and it has been an amazing experience so far! Ted mentioned that he really
likes Swatties and asked if I would be willing to share the job description
with the Swarthmore CS department directly. I have found neuroinformatics
to be a fascinating application of software development/computer science
and would love to encourage Swat CS majors to apply to this job opening.

The job description and link to the Workday Application are below. I
already sent these links to Career Services, and they said they would send
them around, but I was wondering if you know who I should contact if I want
to advertise this job to the CS majors in particular.

https://www.pennlinc.io/JoinUs  <https://www.pennlinc.io/JoinUs>

Thanks so much!
Sydney Covitz

Computer Science Department
Swarthmore College
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