I'm a Swat alum ('07) hiring for a data engineering position and would love
to advertise the position to any CS grads. Another Swattie, Garth Griffin
'09, is also on the team.

A little about the position: Recorded Future is a security intelligence
company that helps our customers avoid and recover from cyber attacks by
providing them with the data they need. The job posting is here
<https://www.recordedfuture.com/careers/?gh_jid=4769161002j>. While it says
2+ years experience, we're flexible on that and would be happy to hire a
new graduate with the right skills.

*Kristy Simmons*
*Director, Data Science*
Recorded Future <https://www.recordedfuture.com/>
+1 610 585 1536
kristy at recordedfuture.com
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