---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jason Jin <jason at bioloopsleep.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 4:35 PM
Subject: Stanford COVID19 research project looking for technical help
To: <lmeeden1 at swarthmore.edu>
Cc: Jason Jin <jjin3 at swarthmore.edu>

Hi Lisa,

Hope you are doing well and staying safe -

A Stanford researcher from the Mike Snyder Lab has reached out to us
looking for more hands on their initiative for helping detect COVID19 with
wearables data. It was their lab that first showed that you can detect
infections from Fitbit a few years ago. There will be more info at this
page in the coming weeks (innovations.stanford.edu)

I was wondering if you might be able to forward my message along to the CS
mailing list to help find more folks interested in helping. It'd be great
to get some Swatties involved - they can just email/message me and I'll
help connect them to the team.

Take care,
Jason Jin '20

Original message below:

Hi Jason, stanford is doing a big project to try to get wearables/clinical
data on a bunch of covid cases. The lab has an app that connects with
popular wearables etc (though much less slick than bioloop). The app
is/will be open source. Desperately need more technical help on the project
to get it out quickly. Do you think you or any friends might interested to
volunteer help remotely? It is mike Snyder’s group that showed you can
detect infections from Fitbit a couple years ago.

Professor and Chair
Computer Science Department
Swarthmore College
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