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From: Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship <wwteachingfellowship at woodrow.org>
Date: Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 11:01 AM
Subject: Unparalleled STEM teaching opportunity
To: <meeden at cs.swarthmore.edu>

Dear Lisa,
Among your students and colleagues, there’s at least one—maybe more—with a
strong STEM background, an interest in teaching, and a commitment to
equity. These characteristics are a perfect fit for the Woodrow Wilson
Teaching Fellowship
a pioneering program that prepares aspiring math and science teachers to
teach in high-need schools.
Please pass this email on to outstanding candidates you might know and
encourage them to apply for this competitive Fellowship.
All best,
*Audra Watson*
Director, Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowships
The Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship recruits the nation’s best and
brightest recent college graduates and career changers in STEM fields. The
Fellowship offers a $32,000 stipend toward completion of an intensive
yearlong M.Ed. at one of Woodrow Wilson's partner universities in
Pennsylvania. To secure a spot at their school of choice, encourage your
students or colleagues to apply by *December 3, 2019*. Questions? Schedule
an info session <ndiba at woodrow.org?subject=Schedule%20an%20info%20session>
with our Admissions Counselor, or attend a webinar

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Professor and Chair
Computer Science Department
Swarthmore College
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