---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Roger Paratore Bock <roger.bock at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 9:15 PM
Subject: BBN summer internships
To: Richard Wicentowski <rwicent1 at swarthmore.edu>, Lisa Meeden <
meeden at cs.swarthmore.edu>


I'm an alum who works at a company in the Boston area called BBN and I am
part of a group does grant-funded research in natural language processing
(NLP) and machine learning.  We have multiple projects looking for summer
interns and/or full time hires.  They include:

- Training a neural network to extract information in one language when all
the training data is in a different language
- Using reinforcement learning to teach a simulated drone swarm to conduct
search and rescue
- Detecting falsified news stories by automatically identifying semantic

If any of the above sounds interesting to you, please visit bbn-e.github.io
where you can learn more about our group and find links to apply.  If you
have any questions you can contact me for more details (roger at bbn.com).
Besides fun and challenging work, we've got various perks like a gym with
fitness classes, clubs for hiking and rock climbing, a board game library,
and free snacks.

Roger Bock '99
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