---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Will Clower <will.clower at willclower.com>
Date: Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 3:47 AM
Subject: your cs graduates
To: meeden at cs.swarthmore.edu <meeden at cs.swarthmore.edu>

Dear Ms. Meeden,

My company is looking to hire enthusiastic talented computer programmers to
join out company in January of 2020, and would love to interview
prospective computer science graduates of Swarthmore College.

Attached is the job opportunity for a full time web development position,
in which you can learn about the offering and about our company.

Please let me know if you have any questions at all, and I do hope we are
able to meet your students!

Will Clower

Dr Will Clower

CEO Mediterranean Wellness

Mediterranean Wellness, LLC

Who We Are, What We Do, and How We Do It

(o): 800-977-6337

(c): 412.901.5146

Professor and Chair
Computer Science Department
Swarthmore College
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