---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: R. M. Panoff, Ph.D. <rpanoff at shodor.org>
Date: Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 4:26 PM
Subject: Deadline Extended for XSEDE EMPOWER Program
To: <ncsi-announce at shodor.org>

*(This is a periodic notice sent to active recipients in
the NCSI-ANNOUNCE mailing list. If you wish to be unsubscribed please send
mail to rpanoff at shodor.org <rpanoff at shodor.org>)*

Seeking project mentors and undergraduate students!

An XSEDE <https://xsede.org/>-wide effort is underway to expand the
community by recruiting and enabling a diverse group of students who have
the skills - or are interested in acquiring the skills - to participate in
the actual work of XSEDE. The name of this effort is XSEDE EMPOWER ( *E*
xpert *M*entoring *P*roducing *O*pportunities for *W*ork, *E*ducation, and
*R*esearch ). We invite the whole XSEDE community - staff, researchers, and
educators - to recruit and mentor undergraduate students to engage in a
variety of XSEDE activities, such as computational and/or data analytics
research and education in all fields of study, networking, system
maintenance and support, visualization, and more. The program provides a
stipend to students and resources for the training of those students who
work on XSEDE projects for one semester, one quarter, one summer, or longer.

To participate, undergraduate students from any US degree-granting
institutions are matched with a mentor who has a project that contributes
to the work of XSEDE. Participation is strongly encouraged for mentors and
students belonging to groups traditionally underrepresented in HPC,
including, but not limited to, women, minorities, and persons with
disabilities. There are three tiers of participation for students depending
on existing skill level: learner, apprentice, and intern. Appropriate
stipends will support each student.

Extended application deadline for Summer 2019 participation:
March 22, 2019

For more information please see:

Please direct questions to:
xsede-empower at shodor.org

*(This is a periodic notice sent to active recipients in
the NCSI-ANNOUNCE mailing list. If you wish to be unsubscribed please send
mail to rpanoff at shodor.org <rpanoff at shodor.org>)*
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