I work on the Production Operations team at Care.com, and we're hiring! Most immediately, a Senior Production Operations Engineer; I've attached the job description below.

I'm Swat CS '92, and the manager of our group is Matt Coddington '99. We're a for-profit publically-traded company, but our mission (connecting caregivers and the families who need them) shapes everything we do. I've been here almost five years now, and still loving it; the particular combination of a dynamic and fast-paced atmosphere combined with excellent work-life balance is wonderful, and unusual in my experience. I'm happy to answer any questions about the company as a whole or our team in particular.

Also, we expect to be adding another new position soon, which may be more junior, so if this sounds appealing but you don't yet have the years of experience that this particular opening calls for, stay tuned!

                          -Josh (irilyth at infersys.com and/or jbs at care.com)

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