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From: DAAD USA <daadny at daad.org>
Date: Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 9:54 AM
Subject: DAAD RISE Programs 2019
To: <newhall at cs.swarthmore.edu>

Call for Applications & Project Proposals
August 28, 2018
Call for Applications: DAAD RISE Programs 2019
Dear colleagues,

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is pleased to announce that for
summer 2019 we will again offer three RISE (Research Internships in Science
and Engineering) internship programs:

·        RISE Germany
(Student applications Nov 1st-Dec 15th, 2018)
·        RISE Professional
applications Nov 1st-Dec 15th, 2018)
·        RISE Worldwide
(Project offerings Sept 1st - Oct 15th, 2018)

RISE has established itself as an outstanding opportunity to combine
serious research with a rewarding study-abroad experience. All three
programs are targeted to students from the fields of engineering, physics,
chemistry, biology, earth sciences (geology), computer science, and related

RISE Germany
undergrads have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge research projects
at top research institutions (e.g. Max-Planck-Institutes) and universities
in Germany. Students are paired with German PhD students in a unique
mentoring partnership to ensure immediate integration into hands on lab
work and built-in social network with an excellent opportunity to develop
new technical skills. RISE Germany participants receive a scholarship to
cover living expenses.
Learn more about RISE Germany
email: rise-germany at daa.de

Online registration and the internship database for RISE Germany open
on November
1, 2018. The application deadline is December 15, 2018.

RISE Professional
designed for Master's and PhD students and alumni of the RISE program who
are matched with a well-known German company, where they gain insight into
the professional applications of science and engineering and develop
practical skills. Internships can last up to three months. This program
features a scholarship to cover living expenses.
Learn more about RISE Professional
or email: rise-pro at daad.de.

Online registration and the internship database for RISE Professional open
on November 1, 2018. The application deadline is December 15, 2018.

RISE Worldwide
is also continuing this year. German students in the early stages of their
studies who have the ambition to work abroad and gain hands-on research
experience in their fields will be matched with researchers worldwide who
wish to engage in a meaningful cooperation with a young German scholar.
These German interns receive a DAAD scholarship to help cover living
expenses and travel costs. Participating hosts receive invaluable
assistance with their own work – they profit both professionally and
personally from contact with the intern, having the opportunity to deepen
their knowledge of the culture, lifestyle and higher education system in

Research groups interested in hosting a German research assistant in the
summer of 2019 are invited to participate in RISE Worldwide
and to  submit project proposals
Project submissions will be accepted from September 1st to October 15th,

We hope you can publicize all three opportunities!

Kind regards,

Peter Kerrigan

Peter R. Kerrigan
Deputy Director, DAAD NY
Director, Marketing and Development
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
871 United Nations Plaza
New York NY 10017 USA
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DAAD Regional Office New York
Newsletter Archive

Dr. Nina Lemmens, Director DAAD New York
Katrin Kempiners, Peter Kerrigan, Editors

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