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Business Today is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded by Steve Forbes
in 1968. For the past 50 years, our goal has been to bridge the gap between
influential business leaders from all industries and top undergraduate
students from across the world. BT creates a dynamic forum in which
students from all backgrounds can be educated and inspired.

Business Today’s flagship event, the 44th International Conference, will
take place Nov 18 - 20th, 2018 at the Grand Hyatt in New York. As an
all-expenses paid, 3-day business conference, it includes:


   150 undergraduate students, 75 executives

   Past keynotes:

      Gerald Ford (38th President of the United States)

      Jeff Immelt (CEO of GE)

      Wendy Kopp (Founder of Teach for America)

      Muhtar Kent (CEO of Coca-Cola)

   Executive seminars (on-site and off-site)

   Visits to company headquarters in NYC

   Recruiting Reception

   Dinner at Bryant Park Grill

   Impact Challenge (top five finalists attend the conference to pitch
   their social entrepreneurship startup; winning team receives seed funding
   of $15k)

Apply now through our general application <https://www.ic18.org/>, Writing
Competition <https://www.ic18.org/writing-competition/> (no resume or GPA
required, multiple entries allowed), or Impact Challenge
<https://www.ic18.org/impact-challenge>. The second round deadline is June
30th, 11:59 PM EST.


*Ilene E*
*Director of Design and Marketing | International Conference
48 University Place, Princeton, NJ 08540
M: (609) 216-6839 | ilenee at princeton.edu

*Business Today <http://businesstoday.org/>*
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