---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Sudarshan Gopaladesikan <sgopaladesikan at slbenfica.pt>
Date: Mon, May 7, 2018 at 6:04 AM
Subject: Pass on to CS Students
To: soni at cs.swarthmore.edu <soni at cs.swarthmore.edu>

Hello Ameet,

     How are you? One of my friends is hiring for a job with the Seattle
Seahawks, and I asked him if it is okay if I passed this along to you.

If you know people who are looking for jobs and would find this an
interesting job out of college, please forward on to them. I would be happy
to speak to any potential candidate as well as forward the communication to
my friend at the Seahawks.

Hope you are looking forward to a relaxing summer :)

Jobs, NFL, Careers - teamworkonline.com
The individual will work within the Seattle Seahawks IT Department,
supporting football operations. This is an opportunity to join an emerging
research and development team— focusing on the expansion of a new dataset
to National Football League clubs.


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