---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hu, Dan <DHu at newhollandcapital.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 11:18 AM
Subject: Junior Developer Opportunity
To: "meeden at cs.swarthmore.edu" <meeden at cs.swarthmore.edu>

Hi Professor Meeden,

I hope you're doing well - how is everything on your end?

I'm reaching out because my employer, New Holland Capital, is currently
looking for a junior developer. We're a small firm (~33 people) in NYC, and
are in need of a bright and energetic individual who will work alongside
our CTO. People here are friendly, collaborative, and entrepreneurial, and
share a common desire to be both open and intellectually honest. The
candidate would be able to add value to a wide variety of different
projects, and be involved in all aspects of the firm. We can offer very
competitive pay and benefits.

Would you be able to share this with the seniors? Anyone who is interested
can email their resume to me at dhu at newhollandcapital.com.



*Dan Hu*

*New Holland Capital, LLC*

405 Lexington Ave
<https://maps.google.com/?q=405+Lexington+Ave&entry=gmail&source=g>., 56th

New York, NY 10174

Tel: (212) 600-9238

E-mail: dhu at newhollandcapital.com

Computer Science Department
Swarthmore College
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