Andrew Stromme'12 also has some information about job searching:

Tia Newhall
Professor, Computer Science Dept
Swarthmore College <>


On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 12:52 PM, Zachary Palmer <zpalmer2 at>

> All,
> Shawn Pan, a current CS major, asked me to share the following note and
> resources for those who are or will be looking for permanent software
> engineering positions.  You might want to make a note of the link; he's
> assembled some links and advice for everyone.  :)  Please see his message
> below!
> Best,
> Zach
> Hey everyone,
> My name is Shawn and I am a graduating senior. I recently completed my
> post-Swarthmore job search for a software engineer position and hope to share
> some resources that I have found along the way.
> Finding an internship or a job had always been a huge struggle for me and
> there are a lot of resources that I wish I had known. I wrote A Swattie's
> Guide to Software Engineering here
> <> and I hope it
> can be helpful to you. .
> In addition, if you are interested in non-coding opportunities in the tech
> industry (such as product management and business development), Break
> into Tech <> founded by Jeremy Schifeling'03
> may offer you some resources as well.
> Please let me (xpan1) know if you have any questions and I would be happy
> to help.
> Thanks,
> Shawn
> _______________________________________________
> swat job-opps mailing list; if you do not
> want to receive these job-opps emails, please email
> knerr at
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