Hello, everyone!  Happy Ides; I hope your break is going well.  :)

Today's job-opps posting regards an open position at Starry shared with 
us by Lihu Ben-Ezri-Ravin, a Swarthmore CS alumn.  Please see the 
description below:

    We're a wireless internet service provider focused on delivering
    inexpensive, high speed internet using millimeter-wave technology. I
    work as a System Integration and Validation software engineer, and
    my team is growing quickly and looking to hire. You were listed as
    the career services contact, so I was hoping you could circulate
    this job posting:

    Students who have experience in engineering or a natural science as
    well as computer science would be perfect fits, but I'd encourage
    any graduating CS student to apply.

As always, I'm happy to relay any questions!


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