Hi!  Did the subject catch your attention?  :)

Erin from Career Services asked me to share another opportunity with 
everyone.  Mischa Stephens, a Swarthmore alumn, works for the Sony 
PlayStation team.  They're hiring for internships and entry-level 
permanent positions 
<https://www.playstation.com/en-us/corporate/about/careers/>.  Mischa says:

"...the best option is to encourage students to look at the entry-level 
positions and internships that they feel suit them. You can have them 
reach out to me once they find some that they want to pursue and have a 
resume I can take a look at. I am happy to help coach them thru the 
application process."

If you're interested, you can apply using the above link.  You can also 
reach Mischa at sirmischa at gmail.com if you have questions or would like 
to take advantage of the aforementioned coaching.


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