Hello, everyone!  I hope break went well for all of you.  Please see the 
information below and the attached flyer about Indiana University's REU 



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Summer REU Opportunity at Indiana University
Date: 	Wed, 17 Jan 2018 06:55:06 +0000
From: 	Siek, Katie A. <ksiek at indiana.edu>
To: 	Siek, Katie A. <ksiek at indiana.edu>

Thank you for recommending great students to our REU program in the 
past. I would appreciate it if you could share this Summer REU 
opportunity at Indiana University with your undergraduates.

We do not have a deadline. Instead, we review applications on a weekly 
basis to decide who to video interview the following week and then make 
offers as we find students who are a good fit for our program. We 
typically fill our slots by early February, thus the sooner students 
apply, the better.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your time.

Katie Siek

Indiana University’s Proactive Health (ProHealth) Informatics group aims 
to build usable, secure, and intelligent pervasive systems that empower 
lay people to manage their health.

The ProHealth Informatics REU Site:

  * trains the next generation of scholars to conduct cross-cutting
    computing research;
  * introduces students to graduate education and research career
    opportunities through preparatory workshops and one-on-one mentoring
  * provides opportunities for students to disseminate research; and
  * inspires middle school and high school students to consider computing

ProHealth REU students will receive:

  * Travel to and from Bloomington, IN;
  * a $5000 stipend;
  * free room and board;
  * GRE preparation (if wanted); and
  * mentoring from 2 researchers.

Student Requirements:

  * must be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident
  * must be available Friday, May 18 through Friday, July 27, 2018

Apply here: http://bit.ly/ProhealthREU2017
More Information: https://prohealth.soic.indiana.edu/reu/
Updates: https://www.facebook.com/iuprohealthreu​

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