One of our students did the UCLA BIG Summer program last summer.
 Let me know if you want more info.


On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 04:22:58PM -0800, JESSICA JIMENEZ wrote:
>>Dear Dr. Knerr, 
>>The reason for this email is to inform you of two programs that might be of interest to your students. The first is BIG Summer 2018. BIG Summer is an immersion program that provides students with an interest in computational biology hands-on exposure to research and preparation for graduate school. The application deadline for this program is February 1, 2018.
>>The second is UCLA’s Bioinformatics Ph.D. Program. This program offers integrated doctoral training to future scientists for careers in Biomedical Research and Precision Medicine. The application deadline for this program is December 1, 2018.
>>If you know of any undergraduate students who would be good fit for either program we hope you encourage them to consider UCLA. Attached are the program flyers. Please feel free to distribute as appropriate. 
>>Thank you for your time and interest. 
>>Jessica Jimenez
>>BIG Summer Program Coordinator 
>>Institute for Quantitative and Computational Biosciences
>>Boyer Hall 529
>>Los Angeles, CA 90095