Hi Everyone,

Mark Hanis '05 is looking for Swat students to help him build ActionMap, a
service designed to encourage civic engagement on progressive issues. More
information on ActionMap is below. If this interests you, I encourage you
to contact Mark at MarkHanis at gmail.com.

- David


* *Deck*: www.ActionMap.us <http://www.actionmap.us/>

* *Bio*: I am a Swarthmore Alum (I came in with the Class of 2004 but took
a semester off and graduated with 2005).  While at Swarthmore, several
Swatties and I helped start an anti-genocide organization, Genocide
Intervention Network (previously called Swarthmore Sudan).  See more here
Since Election Day, we are looking to make a multi-issue, multi-level of
policymaking, multi-sector platform to ensure centralized, personalized,
and timely action.

* *Blurb*: A Kayak/Expedia/Orbitz for civic engagement whereby any user can
seamlessly: 1) advocate on multiple issues to policymakers at the city,
county, state, and federal levels; 2) support candidates up and down the
ballot; 3) register to vote and canvass to help others register; 4) engage
the private sector to support the relevant issues; and 5) empower the user
with skill-building and community-building opportunities.

* *Looking for*: Students interested in progressive
action/advocacy/activism who have some technical skills and help build a
Minimal Viable Product (MVP) of Action Map.

* *One-Pager*: https://goo.gl/odzbDW

** Technical specifications*:
  - Action Map - Technical Specifications - Mobile Application
                          Including help with User Experience (UX):
  - Action Map - Technical Specifications - Website / Map
  - Action Map - Technical Specifications - Database of Calls-to-Action
(CTAs) http://bit.ly/2fdnkvy

* *Prototype*:
 - The "*Unleesh*" app is available on the both the Apple App Store
<https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/unleesh/id739013352?mt=8> and the
Android Google
Play Store
 (Unlessh is a friend's app I'm using to demo a prototype)
 - Download either app and here is the log-in information for you to access
the prototype:
   - Email: vip at unleesh.com
   - Password: password
- Click/Tap: All Paths (top right), then go to "Reproductive Rights" for
the more developed demo.  (Note the 4 types of engagement for each social
topic: Issue Advocacy, Electoral, Economic, Human & Social Capital
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