---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Håvard D. Johansen* <havard.johansen at uit.no>
Date: Sunday, August 13, 2017
Subject: Call for Participation: Diversity @ SOSP 2017
To: SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE at listserv.acm.org

* Call for Participation: Diversity @ SOSP 2017

(Travel Scholarship Application Deadline: August 21st)

Are you a student (graduate or undergraduate) interested in research in
computer systems topics like operating systems, networks, security,
parallel and distributed computing?  Are you a systems researcher or
professional interested in bringing additional diversity to the field?

Co-located with the Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), we
are holding a workshop “Diversity at SOSP: The Ada workshop” (October 27-


Topics include advice on how to be successful as an OS researcher, how to
make the most of conferences like SOSP and career advice for both academia
and industry.

It is a rare chance to hear successful researchers talk not just about
their successes but also the *process* of research, the lessons they’ve
learned a long the way, the challenges they’ve overcome.

Student scholarships are available.
Please apply here by August 21:

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at
 sosp17adwas at gmail.com

Please consider sharing this link with colleagues and students who might be
interested in attending.

We hope to see in Shanghai at SOSP and the Diversity workshop!


You can unsubscribe for this list at any time through this link:

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