---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: DUSAN RAMLJAK <dusan.ramljak at temple.edu>
Date: Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 12:45 PM
Subject: Code4PA and FOSSCON

I thought you might be interested in knowing about two interesting events
coming up in Philadelphia in August and September.

I have been contacted by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Office of Data and
Digital Technology and Kelly Logan, Vice President for Strategic Workforce
Development and University Centers at Harrisburg University of Science and
Technology to help promote state's first civic hackathon, Code4PA
<https://www.code4pa.tech/>! It will be hosted both in Harrisburg and in
Philadelphia concurrently. If you would like to share the information in
your department I have blast e-mail template and a link to a promotional
video about the event. There is the opportunity to take part in
organization, promotion, and in hackathon itself in various ways.

Free and Open Source software conference (FOSSCON https://fosscon.us/)
decided to help promote Code4PA, and since it is an interesting event I
decided to let you know about it as well. For that I have only the blast
e-mail template.
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